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10 31 12 Political Psychology modeling and learning from family genetics also similar attitudes with people with whom you are related when people talk about their childhood memories narratives liberals lessons involving empathy and harm conservatives lessons about morality parenting styles authoritarian conservative kids permissive egalitarian liberal temperament IN INFANCY liberal babies are more restless and active conservative babies have low shyness and low attentional focus remain when controlled for general cognitive ability and socio economic status democrat or republican matters more than whether you are conservative or liberal people vote on group ideology even if it conflict with what you actually believe increased policy knowledge doesn t make a difference nor does addition of details social comparison people are accurate about other people but always look at them selves in positive light and overestimate Change or lack thereof across the lifespan in ideology attitudes across lifespan very little after 30 things are pretty permanent major political events move to different location college change ideology change in political trust young americans are more skeptical rebellious attitude when we grow up and get educated and get acclimated into system we gain trust Apathy as a Social Norm people who can vote 60 participate in voting this is for presidential even less for other shit college students are lowest voters in other countries other people have much less apathy Motivated Skepticism we do not believe evidence opposite to what we believe attitude polarization after arguing for ur point time spent seeking other info makes you feel more sure generate more counter arguments arguments are evaluated as stronger or weaker depending on previous attitude colbert portrays a liberal person conservatives thought he was conservative in ambiguous situation people think that they are in agreement with their personal beliefs Psychological differences between liberals conservatives E g Restricted vs open cognition The moral foundations and their association with political ideology What variables make people more conservative more psychological restricted higher in need for STABILITY CLOSURE CERTAINTY less OPENNESS AND LESS AMBIGUITY TOLERANCE Terror Management Theory how we handle threats to our sense of life awareness of death is unnerving on average conservatives have more death anxiety Situational variables priming Psychological Differences info processing liberals are quicker to integrate new stimuli info Conservatism when trying to predict who will be conservative 1 uncertainty avoidance and 2 threat management account for 30 40 variance in conservatism experimental evidence priming danger and death increase conservative ideology Economy Class Warfare gap between rich and poor is steadily rising rich people are able to live longer people underestimate inequality in income they do not know that it s steadily rising American s want an even distribution ideal situation is not different between political parties individual effort ability internal attributions are pinned on people who are poor State of Economy most important factor in determining who is president overall state of economy trumps than individual economic status sociotropic hypothe sis Hot automatic vs cold conscious rational processing for political information primed people with bill clinton have more favorable for bill davis prim people with american flag and they are more conservative hand sanitizers make people vote more conservative conservatives have more moral purity and sanctity groups with strong moral norm has an advantage over those who did not group homo duplex two level man 10 bee because we are so social System justification Role of the media 11 7 12 Person vs Group level psychology extending set of moral principles Autonomy vs Community is bound together Group level morality morality binds large groups together evolved along group level selection social contract common norms and rules trust cooperation promotes cooperation and altruism eliminates free rider problems keep authority and structure in tact mobilizes common causes Moral Foundations Theory individual liberals care vs harm fairness and justise liberty vs oppresion group level conservatives ingroup loyalty patriotism authority respect purity sanctity 11 12 12 moral motivations liberals want everyone to be treated fairly justice is most important conservatives think loyalty to group and respect to authority is most important The Culture War conservative rhetoric priorities traditional American values sex prayer flags liberals rhetoric prioritizes worldliness and human rights equality Terror Management Theory primed with mortality salience more anxiety and distress increased belief in super natural agents afterlife and mind body distinctions comforting ideas Religion and Coping universal thing in religion that suffering and harm are inevitable parts of life everyone suffers we can believe in a just world but even if you are good bad things happen community and social support god as a parental figure personal relationship with god compensatory control and coping external attributions it is all in God s hands meaning making even with negative things this is all apart of God s plan religious people are happier and have better well being Religion as Social Identity American s 70 say that religious beliefs are the most important thing about their identity identity provides continuity and certainty how we connect with others how we view our selves guides our decisions generates our values religion helps us make judgment towards other people jewish and hindu you are born into it harder to get into it descent christian and muslim acquire through belief or experience assent Religion Cognition perceiving others thought processes character strengths and flaws christians and jews both say adultery is wrong christians think that the thought of lust is just as bad because christians think that ideas and thoughts lead to actions this is why thought processes can be thought of sinful reasoned action model a person s behavioral intention depends on the person s attitude about the behavior and subjective norms Religion and Social Issues common norms lead to moralizing normative behavior sex masturbation eating work daily activities religious people think adultery is wrong however there is less cheating among secular people more diligence and awareness more

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UMD PSYC 221 - Political Psychology

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