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COMM107 Final Study Guide Chapter 11 16 Public Speaking Chapter 11 Planning the Message Public communication involves a transaction between a speaker and an audience o Listenable Speech One that is formatted in a way that when it is received it is understood by listeners What makes a speech listenable Oral based language style A structure that lays out clear signposts for listeners Phrases that tell a listener what is coming next Information that flows with cohesiveness and consistency o Preparing a Speech Key to effective public speaking Quality of the speech performance correlates positively with the total preparation of speaking notes the time spent preparing visual aids the number of rehearsals and the time spent rehearsing out loud Steps to preparing a speech Decide on a topic or accept the topic assigned for you Formulate a statement of the central idea Collect research that develops the statement of the central idea Finalize the statement of the central idea the specific purpose and the foal that adapts to the listeners and setting of the presentation Formulate and organize the body of the presentation so that the Prepare the necessary aids such as audio visuals and computer goal can be achieved generalized graphics Develop an introduction that previews and a conclusion that summarizes the main points of the presentation Polish the introduction and conclusion The introduction should grab the attention of listeners and orient them with any necessary background The conclusion should wrap up the presentation and clinch the purpose expressed in the central idea o Parameters of Public Speaking Any act of communication is based on three parameters Speech participants o The speaker and the members of the audience Speaking setting o Encompassed where the speech is given The purpose of the speech o Centers on the speaker s expected outcomes for the presentation o Ethics of Public Speaking An ethical public speaker speaks with Sincerity Does not knowingly expose an audience to falsehoods or half truths that may cause significant harm Does not premeditatedly alter the truth Presents the truth as he or she understands it Raises the listeners level of expertise by supplying necessary facts definitions descriptions and substantiating information Employs a message that is free from mental as well as physical coercion by not compelling someone to take an action against his or her will Does not invent or fabricate statistics or other information intended to serve as a basis for proof of a contention or belief Gives credit to the source of information and does not pretend that the information is original when it is not Two specific areas of ethical concern in public speaking Plagiarism occurs when a speaker uses the ideas and words of others as his or her own without giving credit to the originator of the material Fabrication making up information or guessing at information and making it appear true Ex Bush telling everyone that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction when he did not o Analyzing the Parameters of Speeches Prior Analysis before the speech is given Audience analysis consists of assessing the demographic psychographic and rhetorographic characteristics of your prospective listeners o Demographic listeners characteristics such as age gender religion ethnicity education occupation and race o Psychographics attitudes and beliefs Conservative liberal Political affiliation o Rhetorographics place time limit time of day and emotional climate for the speech Statement of central idea o Statement of central idea defines the subject and develops the criteria by which to evaluate the material to be included in the speech o Goal of the speech is expressed in terms of its expected outcome possible o Topic of the speech should be stated as specifically as o Method of speech development encompasses how you plan to approach the presentation o Key words to assist in developing a statement of central idea for an informative speech By explaining by summarizing by contrasting by describing by demonstrating and by analyzing Process analysis observing the audience during the speech for feedback Adapt your speech to the audience s verbal and nonverbal feedback Ex clearing of throat cough physically restless Postspeech analysis paying attentions to reactions following a speech A direct way to conduct a Postspeech analysis is to have a question and answer session Others include opinion polls tests questionnaires and follow up interviews o Modes of Presentation impromptu extemporaneous manuscript and memorized Impromptu Using information acquired from experience speaks with little or no preparation and organizes ideas while he or she is communicating Ad lib a speaker has no time to organize ideas and responds immediately when answering a question volunteering an opinion or interacting during a question and answer session o Advantages natural and spontaneous shows a speaker s true feelings o Disadvantages lack of time a speaker has to develop organized and well analyzed statements Extemporaneous Speaking Mode Developing a set of talking points in notes or an outline to assist them in presenting their ideas Preparing the extemporaneous speech o Speech planning outline a brief framework used to think through the process of the speech o Speech presentation outline flesh out the outline with examples and illustrations and write in internal summaries and forecasts o An outline generally has a balanced structure based on four items that are of equal significance express coordinate heads in parallel Coordination major principles Parallelism form should have comparable numeral or letter designations Subordination outline uses major and minor headings examples and illustrations Division flesh out major ideas by adding clarifies to indicate levels of significance an o Topic outline words or phrases for all entries and has little or no punctuation Chapter 12 Developing the Message o Sources of Information o Sentence outline complete sentences for all entries and usually has correct punctuation o Mind mapping method of arranging materials visually rather than in list form o Talking points bullet points in an abbreviated outline format that serve as a framework for the speech and are used in a rehearsal session and as the notes for the actual presentation Manuscript Memorized memory The material is written out and delivered word for word A speech is written out word for word and then committed to Primary

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