Adult Psychopathology Notes for Exam I 02 21 2012 On the test Multiple choice true and false matching Chapter 4 bold concepts ethical issues in research test yourself sections Chapter 1 2 3 Know Bold Concepts Be able to apply them Tables and figures in text Some give extra info Top of chapter 2 through page 40 Don worry about tables if information is not also in text Cognitive Behavior Therapy Common Principles Strategies Originally comes from the theory and philosophy of behaviorism Behaviorism was a reaction against psychoanalysis Behaviorist wanted to look more at external events rather than internal event Observable Behavior before this believed that all behavior was learned Behavioral therapy gets going in the 1950s Cognitive movement starts in the 1960s and 1970s Influence of CBT has been profound in the United States Principles 1 Behavior is learned and can be unlearned and relearned Classical and Operant Conditioning and through modeling and imitation CBT is aimed at unlearning bad behaviors and learn good ones 2 Principles of Reinforcement are crucial BF Skinner skinner s box Positive Reinforcement Negative Reinforcement Punishment Positive Reinforcement is the key concept Reinforcement can be defined as anything that changes the probability of the response Shaping or approximation Reinforce steps in the right direction Can t wait to reinforce till they get to the end goal This will never work One good way to reinforce positive behavior is through a positive comment or to have the person reinforce themselves 3 Cognition is Important Albert Ellis A B C theory A is the stimulus B is what you say to yourself C is how you feel B is our cognition C on bio I m not going to do well in the course I am angry 4 Work with specific problems stated in observable ways leans more toward the behaviorist How do these problems relate to your verbal and nonverbal relations with others Operationalize the feelings Frequency Intensity Duration when discussing behavior 5 Take the problem seriously Don t look for unconscious process or underlying issues Works directly to help the person overcome symptoms The symptom is the problem and the problem is the symptom 6 One problem at a time Does not look for commonality Views all problems separately 7 The therapeutic relationship provides leverage The relationship for CBT is secondary so that what really matters the techniques can be done properly 8 A wide variety of techniques and procedures are used What combination of techniques works best to solve what problems with what clients Persuasion or direct guidance main technique Psychoanalysis main technique is interpretation and humanistic main technique is reflection 9 Therapist is active and directive He is guiding gives HW assignments Adult Psychopathology Notes for Exam I 02 21 2012 Projective Tests Chapter 3 Fundamental character of a projective test is the projection of emotion often unconscious through an ambiguous stimulus Thematic Apperception Test Werschat MMPI Intelligence test Interest inventory across measures Always looking for themes in the projective tests Across the pictures and Draw a person test Commonly used projective advice Things to look for o Size self esteem self concept o Sequence which gender comes first o Movement any missing parts o Head region o Arms and neck o Clothing o Graphology pressure angularity House Tree Person The subject must draw a house tree and a person House What home means to them what there home was like security or not Tree Of the three gives the most hidden aspects of the self Symbolizes life and growth Person Same as draw a person test Look for corroboration between all testing material Don t only rely on one test TAT aims at getting at underlying dynamics that presents itself in relationship with others In addition how they see themselves their world and their place in this world Unlocks what is in your inner world Study stories and look for themes in these stories Reliability Are the items consistent with each other and if you took the test multiple times would the results be the same Validity Does the test measure what it is suppose to measure Notes for Exam 2 Anxiety Disorders 02 21 2012 Chapter 5 Anxiety Disorders Females Disorder Panic D Generalized Anxiety 5 6 6 7 15 5 1 14 2 8 Disorder Agoraphobia Specific Phobia PTSD OCD Depends on stressor Males 2 3 2 3 3 5 11 3 1 14 Anxiety is the basic problem and is either 1 The main disturbance panic GAD 2 Experienced when one encounters certain situations Phobias 3 Experienced when one tries to overcome symptoms OCD Panic attacks comes out of the blue In GAD the person is always experiencing anxiety It is not attached to one There is a great overlap in these anxiety disorders It is a huge headache specific stimulus Simple Phobias 11 of the population has a phobia during any given year A conservative estimate 14 will have a phobia in their lifetime Phobia Persistent and irrational fear of a specific object activity or situation that results in a compelling desire to avoid the dreaded object activity or situation The person knows the fear is excessive and unreasonable but can t do anything about it Only make diagnosis when fear will impact the person s life Simple Phobia Persistent and irrational fear of a very narrow specific stimulus dogs snakes insects mice claustrophobia acrophobia beltway Specific phobias and other types of phobias start from a specific event and phobia exam phobia grow from there Social Phobias Persistent irrational fear and compelling need to avoid situations that may be embarrassing where you may be exposed to the careful scrutiny or observation of others others eating in public places Examples public speaking public laboratories writing in the presence of Social phobias can be specific but when dealing with embarrassment they are called a social phobia One can have a generalized social phobia Nervous that the people can detect their anxiety This fear makes anxiety worse and impairs performance Best thing to do is accept anxiety let it show Best way to conquer a social phobia Pg 133 Heterosocial Relationship s they are very treatable Life Areas affected Academic Occupational General social Relationships Social Phobias don t just go away Very hard to overcome on your own but Increase in social phobias can be attributed to cultural environment Agoraphobia Fear of being alone or finding one self in public spaces without anybody around the give them help The essential feature is a
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