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Definition three levels of communication o Intrapersonal self o Interpersonal two or more people o Public large group of people Communication characteristics Dynamic continuous irreversible interactive contextual Communication components Encode sender channel noise decode receiver Noise Environmental physiological impairment semantic syntactical organizational cultural psychological Communication models Linear interactional transactional model Ethnocentrism cultural relativism Definition origins Cybernetic process Language theories Language explosion theory significant other theory Saphire Whorf hypothesis Denotative connotative meaning Functions of language Emotive phatic cognitive rhetorical identifying language Language distortion Ambiguity vagueness doublespeak inferences Standard American English slang inarticulate Definition three key characteristics Sources emotional influence Nonverbal and verbal comm relationship Substituting complementing conflicting accenting Kinesics Facsics ocalics gestics emblems speech related haptics body synchrony artifactics physical characteristics Proxemics Intimate personal social public Paravocalics chronemics olfactics aesthetics Listening process Reception Attention Limited attention span factors influencing concentration paraphrasing Perception Perceptual filter Assignment of meaning Linear vs global learners low vs high context Evaluation response Listening influencers Listening purposes Discriminative comprehensive therapeutic critical appreciative Self talk language acquisition self love Three selves Real ideal public self Johari window need drives four factors Communication apprehension Culture Self peceived I vs Others perceived me Seeking approval gaining compliance Pregiving liking promise threat esteem Power Expert referent reward coercive legitimate power Gender communication difference Relationship Stages of establishing a relationship continuing terminating a relationship Initiation experimenting intensifying integrating bonding Differentiating circumscribing stagnating avoiding terminating Participating in conversation giving direction making request Interpersonal conflict Goals to be pursued allocation of resources decisions to be made behaviors considered inappropriate Anger deal with yours and others Conflict management styles Avoidance smoothing over accommodation integration compromise aggression Assertive communication Negotiation win win win lose lose lose Handling criticism making apology oles of interviewer interviewee body of interview Interview Qs Direct open closed bipolar probe leading Different types of interview E g employment information gathering Definition advantages and disadvantages of working in groups Types of groups Group operation Forming norming storming conforming performing adjourning Groupthink social loafing Decision making Voting consensus majority pluarity part of the whole Six step standard agenda for decision making Berko 1 3 6 decision making technique Group setting Participants leaders leadership Communication network Wheel chain y circle all channel Deal with difficult group members Ways of becoming a leader Elected appointed volunteer emerge Leadership types Authoritarian democratic laissez faire Why do people desire to lead Information rewards expectations acceptance status

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