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Chapter 4 Listening mix of skills and emotions that you spend 40 of your time doing passive process remain patient reserve judgments and analyze what you re listening to helps you learn about your culture and language The Process Hearing biological process that involves the intake of a message through sensory channels vs Listening involves your attention perception of the meaning of what you hear and your response 1 Reception intake of the visual or auditory message a Hearing mechanism listening with your ears and sending the messages to the brain through auditory channel b Visual listening observing facial expressions posture movement and appearance The visual way in which information is present will affect your perception of it 2 Attention After stimulus is received it then reaches the attention stage Focus on specific stimuli divided by what you are attempting to listen to what s going on in your mind and what s happening in the rest of the environment a Attention span ranges from 7 20 minutes b Working Memory both the memory and the attention functions i We shift in and out of the long term memory to retrieve and store information while listening at the same time Forms patterns in your mind that you adjust to c Motivation Concentration If you are highly motivated to listen to the speaker then you will concentration better and vice versa message i We receive information more quickly than the listener can send it so we easily tune in and out during a ii Control for Distractions setting aside other thoughts in your mind d Paraphrasing Making a summary of the ideas received helps determine if you understand the material or not 3 Perception Attempting to analyze the information received a Perceptual Filter sorts the received stimuli into what you understand and what you do not understand so that the message can be clarified states attitudes and values i Made up of your frame of reference or your life experiences such as background culture mental physical ii Frames interpretations so that no 2 people ever share the same interpretation of a message b Selective Perception Only focus on specific information that you decide to pay attention to c Sensorium Screen that receives and interprets messages frames perceptual filter and selects the messages that you 4 Assignment of Meaning Placing the stimulus in a pre determined category so that the context of the word can be will and will not listen to determined a Example the word cheese may fall into the following categories food dairy products nourishment b Schema Mental representation of information in our brains that are shaped by culture background family education and experiences c Brain Dominance learning and listening in patterned ways which hemisphere of the brain do you use i Left rational logical sequential abstract thinking learn best when information is presented in a structured way aka Linear Listeners ii Right intuition special reasoning visual matters learn through examples not technical explanations and are more creative aka Global Listeners d Role of Culture Influences your listening and learning abilities i Low Context Cultures Communicators expect to give and receive a lot of information b c they believe that information is mostly contained in words 1 Responsibility of the speaker to ensure that listeners understand ii High Context Cultures More information is given off within the actual communicator and their settings 1 Responsibility of the listener to understand e Role of Evaluation In order to effectively listen listeners should avoid making judgments based on superficial factors i Sift through verbal obscurities in order to find clarification do not just tune out the message ii Assigning meaning is easiest when you can differentiate btwn 1 Factual Statements based on observed phenomena or common acceptance 2 Opinions inferences or judgments made by the speaker iii Differentiate from your biases as well that trigger emotional responses 1 Red Flags negative reactions 2 Green Flags positive stimulators 5 Response After message has meaning we give it an internal or external response or an intellectual or emotional reaction a Memory Techniques Listener must hold the message received in the short term memory long enough to attend to it while at the same time finding the category in their long term memory that will assign meaning to it i Remember by creating a mental picture find words that rhyme with it or repeat over and over again what b Role of Questions Questions enable the listener to ensure that the message they have received and interpreted is you are attempting to remember consistent with the speaker s intent c Role of Feedback Giving the speaker an indication that you understand the message that he she is intending to send 6 Listening Influencers i Example nodding your head asking questions smiling nonverbal or verbal a Role of Speaker Depending on credibility of the speaker the listener can either reject or accept a message Always listen to the message being presented not just the status of the speaker i Aka don t believe everything a celebrity says just because they are famous ii Clothing and overall appearance can evoke an instant perception of the speaker b Role of Message If message is not well organized or supported the listener may not be able to concentrate and tune the speaker out i Take into consideration tone and treatment c Role of Channel Some people are more auditory while others are more visual If message is only directed toward one of those groups of people the other group can easily tune out d External and Internal Variables i Noise ii Physical state experiences attitudes memory and expectations iii Attitude that is carried into the listening process e Role of Time Take the time to listen with comprehension Purposes of Listening Helps listener select the listening techniques that best fit the desired outcome auditory sounds and nonverbal behavior a Example ability to determine if someone is being sarcastic or cautious b Example listen to appliances to see if they are broken or not 2 Comprehension Listening Recognizing and retaining the information in a message 1 Discriminative Listening Attempt to distinguish auditory and visual stimuli so that we can understand the differences in a Theory of Listening Fidelity how much listeners understand a speaker s message is consistent with the speaker s understanding of the message received i Take notes carefully and know how to select organize and

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