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Comm107 Midterm Review 03 09 2011 Chapter 1 The Human Communication Process Communication a conscious or unconscious intentional or unintentional process in which feelings and ideas are expressed as verbal and or nonverbal messages that are sent received and comprehended o Process can be accidental expressive or rhetorical Types of Communication o Intrapersonal Communication communicating with yourself such as thought processing personal decision making listening and determining self concept o Interpersonal Communication communication that takes place between two or more persons who establish a communicative relationship such as face to face or mediated conversations interviews small group discussions o Public Communication characterized by a speaker sending a message to an audience o Selective Communication we can choose the symbol we believe best represents the idea or concept we wish to express o Intracultural Communication when you interact with those with whom you have a cultural bond o Intercultural Communication when you speak to those with whom you have little or no cultural bond Noise any external or internal interference in the communication process o Environmental Noise outside interference that prevents the receiver from gaining the message o Physiological Impairment Noise o Semantic Noise o Syntactical Noise o Organizational Noise problems regarding the meaning of words inappropriate grammatical usage when thoughts are not organized in a a physical problem structured manner it can effect the communication process preconceived unyielding attitudes derived o Cultural Noise from a group or society about how members of that culture should act o Psychological Noise Linear Model of Communication stress frustration or irritation a source encodes a message and sends it to the receiver through one or more sensory channels The receiver then receives and decodes the message Interactional Model of Communication a source encodes and sends the message to a receiver The receivers receives and decodes the message but then encodes feedback and sends it back which makes the process two directional Transactional Model of Communication communication is a transaction in which source and receiver play interchangeable roles throughout the act of communication Chapter 2 Foundations of Verbal Language Language a system of arbitrary signals such as sounds gestures or symbols used by a nation people or distinct community to communicate thoughts and feelings Language Explosion Theory proposes that we build communication skills from the core of language we develop early in life Significant Other Theory centers on the principle that our understanding of self is built by those who react to and comment on our language actions ideas beliefs and mannerisms The Concept of Meaning o Linguistics language the study of sounds structure and rules of human It tells us certain features that are common to all languages such as and nonverbal Languages are based on a set of symbols verbal Languages that are alphabetically based recognize the difference between vowels and consonants Languages have ordered structural categories such as verbs nouns and objects Words in and of themselves are not inherently meaningful o Sapir Whorf Hypothesis Linguistic Relativity Hypothesis person s understanding of the world and how the person a behaves in it are based on the language a person speaks Ex those speaking English perceive the rainbow as seeing 6 bands of color while the Shona Indians describe it with 4 bands and the Bassa perceive 2 bands o Denotative Meanings assigning words direct explicit meanings when we want to categorize them such as dog flower o Connotative Meanings words that have an implied or suggested meaning such as good pretty the relationship of language of meaning o Semantics The Functions of Language o Emotive Language employs emotional connotative words to express the feelings attitudes and emotions of the speaker one who only function is to perform a social o Phatic Language task o Cognitive Language o Rhetorical Language o Identifying Language to convey information to influence thoughts and behaviors naming persons or things specifically thus being able to clarify what were speaking about Language Distortion o Language Distortion unintentionally or intentionally distort information as they process it which is caused by ambiguity vagueness inferences or message adjustment a form of vagueness that is deceptive evasive o Doublespeak or confusing The Language We Use o Linguist a social scientist who studies the structures of various languages o Dialect o Accent a social or regional variation of a language the pronunciation and intonation used by a person Chapter 3 Nonverbal Communication Nonverbal Communication composed of all those messages that people exchange beyond words themselves Verbal and Nonverbal Relationships o Substituting Relationship verbal message nonverbal message replaces the Ex instead of saying yes you nod your head up and down o Complementing Relationship nonverbal message accompanies the verbal message Ex shaking your head horizontally from side to side while saying no o Conflicting Relationship contrast to one another verbal and nonverbal message are in verbal message indicates yes while the body Ex language indicates no o Accenting Relationship nonverbal message stressed the verbal message Ex both indicate yes but the body language accents the verbal message Categories of Nonverbal Communication o Kinesics the study of communication through the body and its movements such as studying our eyes facial expressions the study of how the face communicates the study of the eyes the study of movements of the body such as etc Facsics Ocalics Gestics gestures Haptics o Paravocalics the study of the use of touch as communication the vocal effects that accompany words such as tone of voice but not the words themselves Chapter 4 Listening Hearing through sensory channels a biological activity that involves reception of a message Listening a process that involves reception attention perception the assignment of meaning and the listener s response to the Paraphrasing making a summary of the ideas you have just message presented received Perception a person takes the material received and attempts to analyze what has been input Listening Influencers o Role of the Speaker the speaker s credibility the listener s perception of the speaker s trustworthiness competence and dynamism can lead the

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