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Hegemony term coined by Antonio Gramsci The permeation throughout society of an entire system of values attitudes beliefs and morality that has the effect of supporting the status quo in power relations Hegemony in this sense might be defined as an organizing principle that is diffused by the process of socialization into every area of daily life To the extent that this prevailing consciousness is internalized by the population it becomes part of what is generally called common sense so that the philosophy culture and morality of the ruling elite comes to appear as the natural order of things Boggs 1976 p39 11Business Week Dec 1 2003 Waking Up from the American Dream More than 1 4 of the labor force are trapped in low wage dead end jobs the good economy of the 90 s increased the wealth of the wealthy social mobility for everyone else decreased a majority of the poor remained poor college out of reach for most students from low income families 1Paul Krugman The Nation December 18 2003 The Death of Horatio Alger Social class in the U S over time 1920 s entrenched social classes 1930 s 1970 s much social mobility Why Strong unions taxes on inherited wealth corporate profits and high incomes Close scrutiny of corporate mgmt Last 30 years increasing class immobility OUR ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL POLICIES ARE CREATING A CASTE SOCIETY

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KU SOC 160 - Hegemony

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