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Reality in Film Screen Reality the principles of time space character behavior and audiovisual design that film makers organize in a film to create an ordered world on screen Fundamentals of Reality 1 Realism a Ordinary fictional realism The world on screen closely resembles the actual world Clear logical linear narrative structure b Historical realism c Documentary realism Represent a time and place in the past of the actual world Camera is used as an instrument of reportage in a documentary transforming actual events into stylistic cinema with objective Direct Cinema minimizes the filmmaker s manipulations of the material Mockumentary fake documentary 2 Expressionism stylizes mode of screen reality in which filmmakers use visual distortion to suggest emotional social or psychological disturbances a German Cinema in the 1920s 3 Fantasy and the Fantastic settings and subjects are displaced from the real world futuristic setting people 4 Cinema Self Reflexivity makes no pretense that the world on screen in anything other than filmic construction or fake comic or didactic moral a Comic Self Reflexivity humor within the film interruptions and asides directed towards the audience b Didactic Self Reflexivity break down barrier between viewer and world they were watching realism is an obstacle that prevented reflection 5 Animation making still images 2D and 3D be perceived to move a 2D animation flat artwork drawn on cells b Rotoscope camera projector that allows real people to be filmed in association c 3D animation puppets or three dimensional objects in animation on computer with animated objects space Stop motion animation capturing one pose moving the objects then capturing a second pose to create a perceived movement Digital animation characters created as models inside computer space

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BC FILM 2202 - Reality in Film

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