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The War for the Union Slavery 05 02 2014 November 1861 April 1862 July 1862 Runaway slaves were declared captured military property Put to work but not technically slaves When the war was over they would be returned to their owners Congress abolishes slavery in Washington D C Congress ordered that all slaves of rebel owners supporters of the confederacy be freed Summer of 1862 Lincoln is facing northern enlistments falling off Efforts to take confederate capital continues to fail People push him to turn the war in the direction of abolition Emancipation Proclamation o Free all slaves didn t matter the owner o Cabinet suggested that he wait for a union victory before issuing it offensive September Lee decided to take his army out of Virginia and go on the Planned to go into the north and pull union forces out of Virginia Goes into Maryland Plan gets intercepted by McClellan o Lee finds this out McClellan attacks Lee s forces 23 000 killed Singe bloodiest day of the war Union victory Lincoln issues a preliminary Emancipation Proclamation Tells the Confederacy they have by January 1 to put down all their arms or all slaves would be freed Hopes this will encourage slaves to make their way to the union forces Puts an end to any remote possibility that Britain would intervene Broke down prisoners exchange system that had been developed o Neither side had big POW camps o But after union took in black soldiers confederacy did not want to trade for them Grant and Lincoln decided to stop the trading because it benefited confederacy more than union Vicksburg falls July 4 1863 United States Army begins to win 1864 Late summer confederate forces are pushed out of Tennessee Confederacy is shrinking but still has armies in the field Grant is general chief of all armies Plans offensive to take Daily fighting In the course of 3 months 60 000 of Grant s had Richmond 2nd in command William Sherman o Given task of taking Atlanta been killed and 30 000 of Sherman s Grant s plan was a war of attrition September 2 Atlanta fell to Sherman o Then takes war to civilian population and destroys everything that could be of use to the confederacy o Destroys civilian morale Another election With Sherman taking Atlanta it appeared as if the North was winning Lincoln made sure soldiers got the ballots Lincoln won popular vote and electoral vote End comes in spring of 1865 John Wilkes Booth assassinates Lincoln North had better weapons powerful navy more food more medicine better clothing North had better political leadership People are products of their culture A great moral shift 3 parts Multiple Choice o 20 questions Choice of two essays o Presidential leadership Jackson Polk Lincoln Compare Contrast Goals set for themselves How they achieve goals Were they successful o Crisis of the 1850s After Mexican war how the slavery issue opened up How the US is headed for war At what point along the way is civil war inevitable Book Quiz o What s the relationship between white and black officers Expectations of each other Of the war Do experiences change views 05 02 2014 05 02 2014

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LSU HIST 2055 - The War for the Union/Slavery

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