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Fall 2013 PSYC 2000 Sec 001 003 Exam 3 Study Outline Chapter 6 Memory 1 What is memory o Memory is an active system that receives information from the senses puts information into usable form organizes it as it stores it away and then retrieves the information from storage Without memories we cannot learn o Be able to describe the 3 processes of memory i e encoding storage retrieval including they operate differently look different depending on the system of memory i e sensory memory short term memory long term memory Encoding The set of mental operations that people perform on sensory information to convert that information into a form that is usable in the brain s storage systems Usually requires attention narrowing your focus onto a restricted range of stimuli Deals with forming the memory in the first place Accomplished different in each of the systems of memory a Sensory memory taking the info from the external environment and translating it into neural messages transduction b Short term and working memory rehearsing or repeating the info over and over usually encoded in auditory form c Long term memory elaborating act on the info to make it meaningful so when you want to put it into long term memory it can form links with prior knowledge info is organized by relationships between things Storage holding onto information for some period of time the period of time depends on the memory system being used message is traveling Sensory memory very brief only lasts for the period of time that the neural Short term memory and working memory lasts for about 20 seconds only way to extend this is if you do some type of rehearsal Long term memory permenant Retrieval getting info that is in storage into a form that can be used Have a detailed understanding of the encoding and retrieval processes for the long term memory system Encoding process is about elaborating elaborative rehearsal make info meaningful form links with prior knowledge making meaningful connections so it s easier to remember upon retrieval as opposed to maintenance rehearsal where you just repeat the information over and over again to remember less effective One cue what a word phrase concept sounds like Maintenance vs More cues sound meaning relationships Elaborative For example what is the difference between automatic and effortful encoding What would be examples of each type of encoding a Automatic info is automatically processed EX what you had for b Effortful requires attention and effort to process EX friends new cell breakfast flashbulb memories phone number Name 5 strategies for enriching encoding into long term memory Be able to describe each and identify examples when applied Related concepts to know include testing effect serial position effect schedule distributed practice instead of memorizing material in one large chunk massed practice spread out learning ex instead of studying 9 hours for a test in one day study 3 hours a day for 3 days more effective reduces middle muddle and increases retention maintenance versus elaborative rehearsal selective attention the ability to focus on only one stimulus or a narrowed range of stimuli from among all sensory input present information gets into STM through selective attention So we only encode certain aspects often novel or important motivation having high motivation during encoding increases retention having high motivation during retrieval has little effect ex have high motivation while you re studying for your psych test and this will enrich your encoding of the material acrostics acronyms rhymes link method method of loci chunking and hierarchy a Pay attention ensuring to minimize distractions if we don t pay attention the information never even enters our short term memory i Attention involves focusing our awareness on one stimulus or a narrowed range of stimuli b Have high motivation during encoding i High motivation at the time of retrieval has little effect c Engage in adequate rehearsal especially elaborative deep processing of info most effective when paired with a personally meaning example i Elaboration involves linking a stimulus to other information at the time of encoding d Use mnemonic devices i Acrostics phrases or poems in which the first letter of each word or line acts as a cue 1 E g Order of musical notes ii Acronyms a word formed out of the first letters of a series of 1 E g OCEAN for the Big 5 personality traits iii Rhymes rely on rhyming 1 E g I before E except after C iv Link Method forming mental image of items in a way that links words them v Method of loci taking a imaginary walk along a path where images of items to be remembered are associated with certain locations e Organize info for encoding i Chunking Organizing items into familiar manageable unit 1 FBINBCCIAIBM 2 FBI NBC CIA IBM ii Hierarchy Complex information broken down into broad concepts and further subdivided into categories and subcategories 1 Tends to occur when people have mastery 2 Looks similar to semantic network model f Serial position effect i g Maintenance vs Elaborative Rehearsal i One cue what a word phrase concept sounds like maintenance vs More cues sound meaning relationships elaborative h Testing effect practice tests for the ACT help receive a higher score i Serial position effect info at beginning and end of list are better remembered i Primacy effect easily recall first few items in a list because the opportunity to rehearse them increases the likelihood that they are transferred into long term memory ii Regency effect easily recall items near the end of list because they are still contained in short term memory iii Can be applied to solely long term memory What are retrieval cues Know 3 examples discussed in class i e encoding specificity state dependent learning schemas and be able to label if presented with an example a Encoding specificity Tendency for memory of any kind of information to be improved if related information that is available when the memory is first formed physical surroundings at the time of encoding is also available when the memory is being retrieved EX context clues State dependent learning Memories formed during a particular physiological or psychological state will be easier to remember while in a similar state b i Ex when your angry at someone you remember all the other times you were angry at them in the past ii Ex test anxiety c Schemas shortcuts Organized cluster of knowledge about a particular object or event formed from

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