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Psych 101 study guide midterm two States of consciousness Consciousness is 3 ways to measure consciousness Levels of consciousness What is the cognitive viewpoint Circadian rhythms Circadian rhythms are What are some environmental disruptions 5 Stages of sleep 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 what are alpha waves When are they present What are beta waves When are they present Describe REM sleep what are something s that occur during this sleep Sleep Deprivation Types of sleep deprivation Effects of sleep deprivation Name and describe 4 sleep disorders that occur in people What are some alterations of consciousness and unusual experiences Depressants How do depressants affect the nervous system activity What type of effect does alcohol have on the brain Drug tolerance and dependence Tolerance Compensatory responses Withdrawal Substance Dependence Define Blood alcohol level Alcohol myopia Expectancy theory Learning the role of experience What is Learning 4 basic learning processes 1 2 3 4 Describe behaviorism Adapting to the environment Personal adaptation Habituation Classical conditioning What is classical conditioning How is Ivan Pavlov relevant to the classical conditioning theory When is classic conditioning strongest Define Extinction Spontaneous recovery Stimulus generalization Discrimination Higher order conditioning What is behavioral therapy used for What is exposure therapy Who mostly uses classical conditioning What is anticipated nausea and vomiting ANV What was skinners analysis of operant behavior Conditioning Thorndike s law of effect Instrumental learning Operant conditioning Explain operant conditioning What was the Skinner box Reinforcement Reinforcer 1 2 3 Discriminative stimulus Primary reinforces Secondary reinforcers Negative reinforcers Schedules of reinforcement Continuous reinforcement Partial reinforcement Who was tolman and how is he related to the concept of latent learning Ratio schedule Interval schedule Fixed schedule Variable schedule Observational learning how does observational learning occur Define Modeling Social cognitive theory Self efficacy What is the modeling process What is a cognitive map Memory What is memory Describe information processing What is a sensory register Iconic store Echoic store Short term memory Define short term memory Describe the distinction between STM and LTM memory performance What are the 4 memory codes What is the capacity and duration of short term memory Long term memory What are the components of long term memory Who was William Penfield What theory did he discover Three stage memory What is the serial position effect Primacy effect Recency effect Encoding Rehearsal Maintenance Rehearsal Elaborative rehearsal Elaborative techniques Mnemonics Explicit memory Implicit memory Storage Schema Script What are semantic networks Divisions of long term memory What 2 parts is long term memory divided into What are schemas and what are the components involved with this concept What is an associative network

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UW PSYCH 101 - Study Guide

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