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Review Session 04 05 2011 MAJOR THEMES specific and explained examples Revolution ideas used for own uses o South was fighting for liberty to enslave o Liberty same principles as colonists Self determination ability to decide for oneself rather than northerners forcing laws on them Fought for states rights nullification Constitutional for state to secede from the nation back then Federalists Written in Philadelphia by Federalists and Anti State or national government Southerners pro slave democrats o Constitution federal government created by states voluntarily you can get out of it Civil War Why What debates lead to it BROAD o Slavery not only slavery o Political parties o Territorial expansion manifest destiny after ratification on constitution Louisiana Purchase compromise o Prosperity American Dream achieved by land and slavery Republicans not abolitionist just wanting to halt the expansion of slavery Lincoln republican party recognized war cost was so high that a major object of the war had to be emancipation Emancipation proclamation only applies to seceded states o Boarder states remained in bondage 13th amendment fix that Jefferson Davis Idea that southerners fighting for the institution of slavery but there s thousands of soldiers fighting Things are looking bad looking for foreign aid Reformism moral and religious component Women s rights most religious have women in the households conflict between ideals of revolution equality self determination life liberty and pursuit of happiness Revolutionary ideas declaration of independence and constitution Union soldiers abolitionist social hierarchy White in the north with few free blacks Liberate millions of slaves then they take a step up Economic South needed to be rebuilt and north saw this as an economic opportunity industrialization instead of rural agriculture Blacks Fighting reconstruction Blacks can participate as Americans briefly Republican party abandoned reconstruction Jim Crow Decade of the 1850 s Radicalism Westward expansion Missouri Bleeding Kansas Dred Scott decision slaves are property and constitution protects property divided country agree on a platform o Whig party dies over these issues because they couldn t Republican party born Lincoln Douglas American idea is populous sovereignty democracy and Lincoln runs as republican sovereignty stop slavery expanding into the west o Reached abolitionist South Carolina seceded leading to Ft o Defied the constitution suspended the Bill of Rights and He ruled preservation of the union and kinda freed Sumter halted congress slaves American Republicanism compromise nature of government 50 states going in to compromise to govern one country maintain balance of power o 3 5th compromise Philadelphia o Missouri compromise territorial expansion and slavery Southerners want to take slaves into territory Free soil didn t o Florida Andrew Jackson invaded Florida during Seminole wars Spanish territory Quincy Adams manipulates Spain into selling USA Florida o Texas Mexican secession o Compton compromise failed o California gold rush organize California Henry Clay gets California to become state immediately Southerners got slave wall makes underground railroad so it can be free a federal offense Southerners thought they got something out of it Constitution strict and loose construction Strict wants to figure out intention and stick to idea literal interpretation not written you can t do it and the power goes to the people Limited view of what Federal Government can do o Thomas Jefferson o Nullification states created it and came together to create destroy federal government Loose to some extents take into account what the founders thought Flexible to apply to many different situations Prominent o McCullan vs Maryland Bank was constitutional Marshall argues that congress power to regulate trade give power to do what they need to do to accomplish o Louisiana Purchase Jefferson was a walking conflict here Party federalists Hamilton and republicans Jefferson After war of 1812 federalists collapse era of good feelings 1812 1820 s republicans only 2 party system born out of opposition to Adams Seems to be an agreement between Adams and Clay agreement made secretary of state Jackson vs Adams republican party split into 2 2 party system o Adams national republicans Whig party o Jackson Jacksonian democrat republicans Democrats Territorial expansion Whigs get pressure splits into 5 different parties free soil Nativism FINAL NOTES 04 05 2011 Antebellum South great middle white manhood suffrage Eli Whitney I Stereotype o Today s stereotype such as in Gone with the Wind Filled with rich planters Huge plantations Women in pretty dresses Poor ignorant whites white trash Black slaves that work for rich planters o Northern idea of the South was the same as todays Northerners thought of it in an antagonistic way Southerners thought it was positive o It was true to a certain extent the South did have all of these things but it wasn t a true depiction II Distribution of Slaves o Not distributed evenly throughout the south o South Carolina and Georgia coast rice country 90 of o Vicksburg to Natchez cotton country 80 90 of population population was enslaved was enslaved o Southern Louisiana sugar cane country large plantations 80 90 of population is enslaved o Some areas where there are almost no slaves o Eastern and western sides of Appalachian Chain had hardly any slaves few slaves o Southeastern Mississippi and Northwest Arkansas had very o Only South Carolina was slavery EVERYWHERE in the state o On average it is between those 2 extremes o In 1860 there were 4 000 000 slaves South Carolina 60 of population Delaware 1 of population o Heaviest concentration was in the deep South but even then there are areas with few slaves o Over 90 of African Americans lived in the slave states o In 1860 there were 393 9697 slave owners this was only 5 of the white population o Multiply that by 5 because the average family had about 5 people in it and you get about 2 000 000 o 30 of the white population of the states that succeeded from the union had direct ties to slavery o Planter individual with large numbers of slaves had to have at least 20 slaves enough slaves to send them out to the fields and the owner not actually be involved in physical labor themselves o Only 12 of slave owners were planters o Less than 1 of slave owners owned over 100 slaves o More than half of all slave owners owned fewer than 5

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LSU HIST 2055 - Review Session

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