Final Exam review Domestic violence o Domestic violence includes violent acts between family members or men and women in intimate or dating relationships o Unemployed men are most likely to commit acts of domestic violence o Based on readings a family where the husband does not have a full time job would be the most likely to experience abuse Sexual assault o Most reports of rape in surveys of date rape reveal that the rape was committed by someone the victim knew o Characteristics that describe a man who has committed sexual aggression against an acquaintance compared to a young man who has not Displaying more hostility toward women Displaying greater physical arousal when presented with rape scenarios in Considering violence against women acceptable Models psychology experiments o The Medical model of domestic violence perceives the solution to the problem to be intervention by health and social welfare professionals o The Political model is when domestic violence is seen in terms of relations of power and authority between men and women Theory s o The social exchange theory explanation would argue that using violence by men with more income is less likely because they have more money and social status to trade for their desired behavior from their wives Child abuse o You can infer from 20 year old data on child abuse that when the rate of child abuse shows spikes and sudden drops that a combination of possible changes in abuse reporting enforcement and many other extra legal factors explain the change in rates o As reported in Cherlin sexual abuse of children is the least common form of child abuse Intimate terrorism o Intimate terrorism a patter in which a man seeks to control the behavior of his partner through serious violent acts o intimate terrorism is characterized by An escalation of aggression into serious violence and injury Motivation to control the behavior of the partners Men as perpetrators Divorce General Divorce risk factors o 40 proportion of current marriages that will end in divorce o Employed women are more likely to divorce than unemployed women o The following are individual risk factors that increase the likelihood of divorce Marriage at a young age Being African American Premarital cohabitation Divorce African Americans o African Americans are more likely to divorce o African American women are least likely to obtain a legal divorce after separation Divorce and Children o Children of divorced parents experience A crisis period after the divorce Resume normal development within two years after the divorce A small minority may experience problems into adulthood o Children who seem fine in the period shortly after the parents divorce but experience emotional difficulties later in like are said to suffer from a delayed reaction called a sleeper effect Divorce and parenting o Divorced parents who coordinate their activities and cooperate with each other are o According to the reading fathers not being as involved with their children is a consistent engaged in co parenting effect of divorce o The fact he mothers are more often than not guaranteed by the government to have custody of their children after divorce causes A greater likelihood of mothers losing social economic status A greater likelihood of single mothers to fall into poverty Divorce Teens o Lack of financial resources is why teenagers are more likely to divorce than people who are older when they marry o Half of all teenage marriages end in divorce within 15 years Divorce cohabitating o Couples who have cohabitated prior to marriage have a higher likelihood of divorcing compared to couples who did not live together prior to marriage o The primary reason why couples who cohabit prior to marriage have a higher chance of getting divorced is due to a weaker commitment to the institution of marriage o In the united states never married people are less likely to cohabit than previously married people Legalities and divorce o Divorce increases are due to Women s increased involvement in the labor force The passage of no fault divorce laws Remarriage General 4 years Remarriage o Studies show that the transitional period from divorce to remarriage is approximately 2 o Remarriage rates tend to be lower for the poor than the non poor o Remarriage is more likely to end in divorce then the first marriages o Cherlin argues that remarriages are an indicator of Deinstitutionalization of marriage o African American women in the united states have the lowest likelihood of remarriage o African American women are less likely to remarry than their counterparts due to Remarriage and children The pool of African American men is limited Tendency not to marry outside of racial group Small probability of interracial marriages in the united states o Family researches say that divorce is not the end of family life for many adults and children because Most people who divorce remarryaQq Stepfamilies Children of divorced parents adjust to a stepfamily Stepfamilies offer many advantages for the children and adults well being o A stepfamily is a unit formed by adults with children from a previous marriage and a household in which two adults are married or cohabitating with at least one child present o Stepfamilies are different from first families in that the former do not have a common history and the former expands family ties while the latter have more limited family ties Stepfamilies General o Stepfamilies must create their own rules and shared meanings o For stepfamilies to exist the parents don t have to marry o Most stepfamilies eventually reach the stabilization period o The likelihood that remarriages that include stepchildren will end in divorce is higher in comparison to those that do not Stepfamilies Children o The age of the child when the stepparent joined the household is a critical factor in determining whether a child considers a stepparent a real parent o When children are in their tens when the stepfamily is formed is the most difficult age for a stepparent o From the child s perspective the older they are the harder it is to adjust to a stepfamily o A research based effect of children living in stepfamily households at an earlier age than children in any other type of family o Girls from stepfamilies are more likely to leave home earlier o Stepfathers in general are less likely to invest time and effort into their stepchildren s lives than biological fathers Stepfamily Legalities o Legally stepparents have
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