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Study Guide for EUH3205 Final Exam Terms and Concepts French Revolution 1787 1799 Abbe Sieyes o Author of What is the Third Estate French clergyman Makes the argument that the Third Estate is the most essential to society Calls for better representation of the Third Estate Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen o Approved by the National Assembly of France in 1789 o Very similar to the US Bill of Rights Maximiliean Robespierre o Leader of The Committee of Public Safety Introduced Terror 1793 1794 Targeted aristocrats and clergymen Common people who opposed the regime o Radical Jacobin Louis XVI o Ruled 1774 1792 o Proved weak and indecisive in a time of crisis o Restored the Paris parlement o Provided financial and military support for American War of Independence Led to severe fiscal crisis by the 1780s o Called Estates General on August 3rd 1788 o In attempt to make peace after Fall of the Bastille he wore national ribbon symbol of the revolution Shift of power from King to the National Assembly Estates General o made up of representatives from the 3 estates Sans culottes o Demanded radical measures to control prices caused by free trade o Suspicious of Legislate assembly o Established Paris Commune Aug 9 1792 o September Massacres of prisoners Sep 3 7 1792 Edmund Burke o Author of Reflections on the Revolution in France 1790 Published during moderate phase of revolution Critical of French Revolution o Father of modern conservatism Seigneurial rights o Rights of nobility that owned land Paid rent from peasants Right to demand labor services Guild o Organizations for the trades o Had to be a member of local guild to practice a trade o 3 step process to become a Master o Proved inefficient as society grew Tennis Court Oath o June 20 1789 Bastille o The Fall of the Bastille July 14th 1789 Members of 3rd Estate National Assembly vowed not to leave until they gave France a new constitution Crowd marched fortress for weapons Troops fired into crowd killed 98 people Crowd killed General Militia named itself National Guard October Days o Women marched on Versailles demanding lower bread prices o Demanded royal family come with them o Monarchy was now under watch of the citizens of Paris o During the Terror o Enemies of the republic were tied together and set on barges set to Vendee Rebellion sink National Convention o Abolition of the monarchy and declare France as Republic September 21 1972 o Elected on basis of universal male suffrage o More radical than Legislative Assembly o Trial and execution of Louis XVI National Assembly Dechristianization o Formed by 3rd Estate as a separation from Estates General o 1793 campaign to drive out Christianity and replace with new religion Festival of reason Post French Revolution Directory o 5 person directory that headed governments executive branch o Rule by elites Only wealthiest had right to vote o Proved unstable Eighteenth Brumaire o November 9 1799 o Napoleon named First Consul Russian Campaign 1812 o Napoleon defeated o Led to Napoleon s exile on Elba and end to the Grand Empire The Continental System o Napoleon s foreign policy o Embargo on British imports in effort to hurt Britain o Not successful Britain found other markets for good Repeated efforts to smuggle British goods into France Joseph de Maistre o Reactionary conservatist o Anti enlightenment o Constitutions divinely ordained o Supreme authority of the pope in both religious and secular affairs Brothers Grimm o Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm Fairy Tales 1812 Ernst Moritz Arndt o German nationalist Romantic o Author of War Poems Week 4 readings Urged Germans to resist French War of Liberation against Napoleon Caspar David Friedrich o Landscape painter o Influential artist of the German Romantic Movement o Clemens von Metternich o Secret Memorandum to Tsar Alexander I 1820 Week 4 readings Explains his Political Principles Argues that presumption will ruin society o Conservative Prussian Reforms 1807 1812 o Karl von Stein o Serfdom abolished o Occupations opened to all classes o Jews receive equal rights o Military reforms War of Liberation o Austria Prussia Russia vs Napoleon o Pushed Napoleon out of Europe Congress System Concert of Europe o Congress of Vienna o Organization of Europe after Napoleon exiled to Elba o Quadruple Alliance Karl Sand o Killed August von Kotzebue o Put on trial and executed August von Kotzebue o Comic playwright o Reputation for promoting immorality and aristocratic values o Accused of engaging in espionage to Tsar Alexander Carlsbad Decrees 1819 o Burschenschaften banned o Universities supervised o Censorship o Spy network Charter of 1814 o Established principle of equality before law o Parliament consisting of 2 houses Chamber of Peers Appointed by king Chamber of Deputies Elected by richest men in France o Freedom of press religion o Property rights German Confederation o 39 states o Federal Assembly o Promise of constitutions o Prussia enlarged Waterloo o June 1815 o Napoleon vs Prussian British troops o Arthur Wellesley gone down as hero of Waterloo o Gerhard Leberecht von Blucher s battle plan ensured defeat of Napoleon Holy Alliance Louis XVIII o Signed by Austria Russia and Prussia o Alexander I o Europe s rulers would regulate activity according to Christian religion o Reigned 1814 1842 after Napoleon exiled to Elba o Principle of legitimacy Long standing dynasties were seen as legitimate monarchs o Charter of 1814 July Revolution o Spurred Charles X declaring the July Ordinances o Protests from July 26 29 1830 o Abdication of Charles X o Louis Philippe proclaimed king King Louis Philippe 1830 1848 o King of the French o Doubled the electorate o Bourgeois monarchy Great Reform Bill of 1832 o Whig Party Charles Earl Grey o Abolished rotten boroughs o Give M P s to unrepresented cities o Increase overall of voters o Property qualification o Workers still without vote Peterloo massacre o Aug 1819 o St Peter s Field Manchester o Cavalry deployed to disburse crowd 11 dead 400 injured o Became rallying cry for working classes The Industrial Revolution Adam Smith o Author of The Wealth of Nations 1776 Week 5 readings o Argues for division of labor and utility of free markets o Pursuing self interest without barriers of free trade tariffs would result in increase in the wealth of nations Thomas Malthus o Critical of the English system of poor relief o Influenced parlement to pass New Poor Law o Populations were increasing faster than agriculture could

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