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Fall 2013 PSYC 2000 Sec 001 003 Exam 3 Study Outline Chapter 6 Memory 1 What is memory o Be able to describe the 3 processes of memory i e encoding storage retrieval including they operate differently look different depending on the system of memory i e sensory memory short term memory long term memory Memory an active system that receives information from the senses puts that information into a usable form and organizes it as it stores it away and then retrieves the information from storage Sensory memory the very first stage of memory the point at which information enters the nervous system through the sensory systems Short term memory the memory system in which information is held for brief periods Long term memory the system of memory into which all the information is placed to be of time while being used kept more or less permanently Encoding the set of mental operations that people perform on sensory information to convert that information into a form that is usable in the brain s storage system Storage holding onto information for some period of time Retrieval getting information that is in storage into a form that can be used o Have a detailed understanding of the encoding and retrieval processes for the long term memory system For example what is the difference between automatic and effortful encoding What would be examples of each type of encoding Automatic encoding tendency of certain kinds of information to enter long term memory with little or no effortful encoding a Takes place when an unexpected event or episode in a person s life has strong emotional associations Effortful encoding long term memories that need extensive maintenance rehearsal Name 5 strategies for enriching encoding into long term memory Be able to describe each and identify examples when applied Related concepts to know include testing effect serial position effect schedule distributed practice maintenance versus elaborative rehearsal selective attention motivation acrostics acronyms rhymes link method method of loci chunking and hierarchy Pay attention and minimize distractions have high motivation during encoding engage in adequate rehearsal especially elaborative use mnemonic devices and organize info for encoding Testing effect refers to the fact that you easier remember information you have read by rewriting it instead of rereading it Serial position effect tendency of information at the beginning and end of a body of information to be remembered more accurately than information in the middle of the body of information Schedule distributed practice distributed practice better to have 3 hours of consecutive studying over 3 days than one massive study session Maintenance practice of saying some information to be remembered over and over in one s head in order to maintain it in short term memory Elaborative rehearsal a method of transferring information from short term memory into long term memory by making that information meaningful in some way Selective attention the ability to focus on only one stimulus from among all sensory input Motivation the process by which activities are started directed and continued so that physical or psychological needs or wants are met Acrostics phrases poems in which first letter of each word or line acts as a cue Acronyms a word formed out of the first letters of a word series Rhymes rely on rhyming Link method forming mental image of items in a way that links them Method of loci taking imaginary walk along a path where images of items to be remembered are associated with certain locations Chunking organize items into familiar manageable unit Hierarchy complex info broken down into broad concepts and further subdivided into categories and subcategories What are retrieval cues Know 3 examples discussed in class i e encoding specificity state dependent learning schemas and be able to label if presented with an example Retrieval cues a stimulus for remembering a Encoding specificity tendency for memory of any kind of into to be improved if related info that s available when the memory is first formed physical surroundings at time of encoding is also available when memory is being retrieved b State dependent learning memories formed during particular physiological psychological state will be easier to remember while in a similar state c Schemas organized cluster of knowledge about a particular object event formed from previous experience with object even What are 3 ways to measure what information has been retained The 3 types of retrieval or retrieval processes Be able to label examples of each Relearning measure requires a person to memorize info for a second time to determine how much time or effort is saved by having learned it before Recognition measure requires person to match a piece of info or a stimulus to a stored image or face a Cue is actual item to be remembered b False positives error of recognition in which people think that they recognize some stimulus that is not actually in memory Recall measure requires person to produce information on their own without any cues or with few cues a Tip of the tongue phenomenon TOT 2 Be able to identify the 3 systems of memory outlined above i e sensory short term long term Be able to describe the major characteristics of each such as a the capacity for holding information b the storage duration of information and c how information stored is typically lost from this system o Sensory memory Capacity four or five letters Duration brief period of time Information lost all information Iconic memory visual sensory memory lasting only a fraction of a second Echoic memory the ability to access a visual memory for 30 seconds or more o Short term memory Capacity four five or seven letters Duration 12 30 seconds Information lost all memory lost o Long term memory Capacity unlimited Duration permanent Information lost some 3 What are the 3 prominent models of memory be able to describe each What major contributions did each model make to our understanding of memory o Parallel Distributed Processing memory processes are proposed to take place at same time over big network of neural connections model stems from artificial intelligence simultaneous processing allows people to retrieve many different aspects of memory all at one What is this model s relationship to the Semantic Network Model Semantic Network Model model of memory organization that assumes information is stored in the brain in a connected fashion with concepts

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LSU PSYC 2000 - Chapter 6: Memory

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