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Fall 2013 PSYC 2000 Sec 001 003 Exam 1 Study Outline Chapter 1 1 What are the 4 goals of psychology Be able to label examples of each goal in action Description what is happening It involved observing a behavior and noting everything about it what is happening where it happens to whom it happens and under what circumstances it seems to happen Explanation Why is it happening Involves trying to understand or find an explanation Prediction When will it happen again Determining what will happen in the future Control How can it be changed The focus of control or the modification of some behavior is to change a behavior from an undesirable one to a desirable one 2 Contemporary psychology is described as the study of behavior and mental processes in animals and humans o Refers to all the internal cover activity of our minds such as thinking What are mental processes feeling and remembering What are behaviors o All of our outward or overt actions and reactions such as talking facial expressions and movement 3 What are the main differences between functionalism and structuralism What is objective introspection Functionalism Structuralism early perspective in psychology associated with Wilhem Wundt and Edward Titchener in which the focus of study is the structure of basic elements of the mind 4 What are the basic ideas concerning Gestalt psychology as outlined in your textbook and covered during lecture a Focus on studying whole patterns rather than small pieces of them i Symmetry tendency to look for patterns ii Proximity objects close together belong together iii Closure an object partially defined will be seen as a whole iv Continuity preference for uninterpreted figures v Similarity objects that are alike are viewed as a group 5 Two highly influential early approaches to psychology were psychoanalysis and behaviorism What are the central ideas principles of these two approaches Be able to recognize how they might interpret explain human behavior differently Psychoanalysis is the theory and therapy based on the work of Sigmund Freud o Developed for fear and anxiety in which a professional helps a person gain insight to his her behavior early childhood unconscious Behaviorism is the science of behavior that focus on observable behavior only o Ignore the whole consciousness issue and focus only on observable behavior o Such as behavior that could be directly seen and measured Ivan Pavlov associated his dog seeing food with saliva his dog showed an involuntary reaction could be caused to occur in response to an unrelated stimulus Classical conditioning a learned or reflexive response 6 Define the modern approaches of psychology What is the ecological systems theory Psychodynamic perspective o Focused on the development of a sense of self and the discovery of motivations behind a person s behavior other than sexual motivations o Focus on unconscious mind and its influence on behavior o Stresses important role of early childhood experiences on individuals development o Therapeutic approach has less emphasis on sex and sexual motivations more emphasis on sense of self relationships and discovery on motives on our behavior Behavioral perspective conditioning o Focus on how behavior is learned through classical and operant Operant conditioning to explain how voluntary behavior is learned In this theory behavioral responses that are followed by pleasurable consequences are strengthened or reinforced A child who cries and is rewarded by getting his mother s attention will cry again in the future o Focuses on manipulation of environmental influences on behavior Humanistic perspective Often called the third force in psychology humanism was really a reaction to both psychoanalytical theory and behaviorism Focus on human potential free will and possibility of self actualization Based on work of Carl Rogers and Abraham Waslow Therapeutic approach aimed at empowering of self individual Cognitive perspective o Focuses on how people think remember store and use information memory intelligence perception thought processes problem solving language and learning o Based on work of Gestalt psychologists Pigget and Chomsky o Cognitive neuroscience studies the physical workings of the brain and nervous system when engaged in memory thinking and other cognitive processes Sociocultural perspective o Combines two areas of study Social psychology the study of groups social roles and rules of social actions and relationships Cultural psychology the study of cultural norms values and expectations These two areas are related in that they are both about the effect that people have on one another either individually or in a larger group such as culture o Provides important contributions related to group dynamics culture class race o It reminds people that the way they and others behave is influenced not only by whether they are alone with friends in a crowd or part of a group but also by the social norms fads class differences and ethnic identity concerns of the particular culture in which they live o Ex Bystander effect diffusion of responsibility In a classic study done by Darley and Latane they found that the presence of other people actually lessened the chances that a person in trouble would receive help Biopsychological perspective o Attributes human and animal behavior to biological events occurring in the body such as genetic influences hormones and the activity of the nervous system o Some of the topics researched by biopsychologists include sleep emotions aggression sexual behavior and learning and memory as well as disorders o Ex Evidence continues to mount for a genetic cause for schizophrenia a mental disorder involving delusions hallucinations and extremely distorted thinking Evolutionary perspective humans share o Focuses on the biological bases for universal mental characteristics that all o Seeks to explain general mental strategies and traits such as why we lie how attractiveness influences mate selection why fear of snakes is so common or why people universally like music and dancing o Influences by Darwin s theory of natural selection 7 Name the psychologists whose work greatly influenced issues related to educational equity What were their major contributions that influence the education system still today Kenneth and Mamie Clark educational equity o African American Civil Rights o Doll experiment Jorge Sanchez o Mexican American Chicano civil rights movement o Cultural bias in intelligence tests

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LSU PSYC 2000 - Exam 1 Study Outline

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