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HIST 0430 notes Lectures 12 4 9 14 and 13 4 16 14 page 1 Japan in WWII 1 Why did Japan fight this war a emigration restrictions anti Japanese sentiment i Western relations worsen excluding Germany Italy b Chinese Russian relations tense i 1939 Nomonhan in Mongolia vs Russia 2 What kind of imperialist power was Japan a non Western like Qing but Qing declining i preaches pan Asianism actually Asia for Japan ii overcoming Western modernity no longer embracing b military dominated over civil authorities i navy army split competition between military branches ii overly aggressive campaigns iii spread thin over 6 million miles c emperor portrayed as absolute sovereign monarch d generally harsh conditions in occupied areas 3 What was Japan like during the war a mobilization 1938 i National General Mobilization Law b economic new order 1941 i dissolved unions and combined into one c ideological and cultural control i all leftists jailed ii concept of modern woman 4 What kind of war was WWII and why did Japan lose a scientific technological b c resources and logistics d strategic and tactical failure 1 What is the legacy of WWII a death and devastation Japanese b nuclear age Cold War c legacy of imperialism in Asia i death toll unknown estimated 20 million 2 5 3 million i decolonization after WWII gradual in Africa immediate in Japan Japan never had to come to terms with imperialization ii iii division of Korea d debates on war guilt and responsibility 2 The occupation a supposed to be run by SCAP in reality USA i basically just MacArthur and staff b Q how far do we go c demilitarization i San Francisco treaty ii US Japan military treaty brought Japan under US protection HIST 0430 notes Lectures 12 4 9 14 and 13 4 16 14 page 2 i Tokyo Trials based on Nuremberg d democratization included labor unions education i ii decentralized police education iii zaibatsu targeted anti competitive land reforms most lasting reforms iv female suffrage v e constitution f peace treaty g reverse course 3 Postwar economic miracle 1950 1973 a postwar depression and inflation b trade from Korean War i GATT started by US Japan benefits c political conservatism IDP i d era of high growth 1960s i benefit from Vietnam War ii huge average savings rates iii MITI e shocks of 1970s i China 1972 ii oil shocks iii negative consequences of high growth f 1980s i Japan is 1 mentality ii rising income disparity iii high growth of stocks and property 4 Conclusion lost decades after 1980s a economic growth bubble burst b growing cynicism after 1980s c positive economic interactions with neighbors

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Pitt HIST 0430 - Japan in WWII

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