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PSY 0010 notes Personality page 1 Personality development Biological approach researchers distinguish between shared and non shared environments o to what extent does being raised in the same environment as another person make it likely that the two will grow up with similar personality o answer not much identical twins raised apart just as similar as identical twins raised together adoptive siblings have minimal similarity as well o similarities of personality among siblings mostly a result of shared genes non shared environment and personality o experiences that make children in the same family different from each other are influential on personality birth order peer and school experiences changes in parenting styles consistent differences in personality between firstborns and other siblings determining the genetic influence on personality o twin studies estimate that personality characteristics 40 60 heritable o quantitative trait loci approach identifying genetic markers for specific personality characteristics o longitudinal study assess individuals from infancy into adulthood to identify maturational personality patterns outcome understanding of temperament temperament o inherited pattern of personality that appears early in development and remains stable throughout life o first attempt at temperament study Thomas Chess had mothers come in and fill out questionnaires about their babies behavior as they grew up uninhibited babies at risk for impulsivity risk seeking etc Attachment and personality Konrad Lorenz imprinting o imprint for proximity and survival o goslings follow around any large moving object during the hours immediately after hatching o evolutionary adaptation those that stay close to mother s protection more likely to survive John Bowlby o proximity and survival PSY 0010 notes Personality page 2 o secure base attachment figure becomes base for exploration o separation protest despair detachment when prematurely detached from parent go through above sequence of responses Mary Ainsworth o strange situation stranger anxiety develops 6 8 mos and disappears after 15 mos universal different babies reacted differently o styles of attachment secure attachment 60 upset when mother leaves calms quickly upon reunion in early childhood enthusiastic self reliant socially competent persistent avoidant attachment 15 20 indifferent unhappy when mother leaves indifferent upon reunion anxious ambivalent attachment 15 20 panics when mother leaves angry clingy upon reunion later researchers found fourth pattern disorganized attachment 5 10 inconsistent when mother leaves dazed confused upon return ALL insecure attachments in early childhood unenthusiastic easily frustrated socially incompetent o what influences attachment styles maternal behavior available sensitive reliable parenting associated with secure attachment Psychoanalytic approach to personality development Erik Erikson psychosocial stages of development o emphasize that self ego develops in relation to other people not completely internal o 8 stages of development through the lifespan first to argue that development continued through adulthood o each stage centers on resolution of a crisis conflict between two possible directions outcomes of the stage healthy problematic o successful completion of each stage forms the basis for successful resolution of later crises psychosocial stages o trust vs mistrust birth 1 year mother s sensitivity reliability leads to trust tolerance of absence frustration PSY 0010 notes Personality page 3 if parents are consistent in feeding when hungry child trusts that will be fed when hungry d n have to panic basis for believing the world is predictable and developing the ego strength of hope o autonomy vs shame and doubt 2 3 years taking a stand holding in and letting go toilet training first time a child is expected to control its body in an non instinctual way saying no not so much negating as asserting autonomy can be destructive or caring basis for feelings of control and developing the ego strength of will o initiative vs guilt 3 5 years walking and carrying out one s own intentions while accepting and internalizing prohibitions child learns that some desires are not okay limits on initiatives basis for sense of power in the world and developing the ego strength of purpose o industry vs inferiority 5 11 years producing works of one s own that have value basis for sense of social belonging and acceptability and developing the ego strength of competence o identity vs role confusion 12 20 years identity crisis physiological revolution of puberty self consciousness and self questioning resolution is basis for adult sense of self integration of elements of identity from earlier stages integration of others views social identity capacity for loyalty or fidelity Marcia investigated Erikson s theories in research four identity statuses foreclosure identity is pre formed without a crisis o not always need for identity crisis when identity is less flexible chosen for you identity diffusion no firm identity but not exploring moratorium identity exploration identity achievement formation of identity through resolution of crisis o intimacy vs isolation young adult risking identity in relationships more true for men than women basis for ego strength of love o generativity vs stagnation mid adult PSY 0010 notes Personality page 4 expansion of ego interests to next generation basis for ego strength of care o ego integrity vs despair late adult no more chances to re work repair earlier stages acceptance of one s life and its upcoming end basis for ego strength of wisdom

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