Social Psychology Final Exam Study Guide 1 Science of Social Psychology Chapter 1 The basics what is psychology designed to do What are social psychologists interested in studying Social psychology is the study of how we affect and are affected by others It is designed to make sense of the diversity of human behavior and the social Interested in how social factors influence Affect Behavior Cognition ABC world Triad how people feel inside How they feel about themselves Affect others and various issues Behavior Cognition themselves others and various problems What people do their actions What people think about What they think about Social psychologists are interested in how these three themes are affected by personal and situational forces although they primarily focus on situation Focus on situational factors that one may not even be aware of Research vs lay theories folk theories myth catharsis decreases aggression Social psychologists takes ideas that everyone assumes to be true and find out what is really true Lay Theories Philosophy love of wisdom Similar concepts definitions to psychology Psychology is separated from philosophy because of psychology s heavy reliance on the scientific method Common wisdom or folk theories allow us to happily judge adages as being true and at the same time judge their opposites to be true Ex fear is stronger than love love is stronger than fear Research involves the Scientific Method Theoretical perspective power of situation momentary effects Stroop Task Priming words that spell out a color but is shaded with a different color spreading activation planting or spreading an idea in someone s mind Automatic embedded words memory facilitation personality and brands Semantic other words fear snake effects are always relative Schema Mind Neuron Brain study of meaning words phrases facilitate responses to cognitive structures representing ideas in the mind Schema Priming Characteristics Schemata exist in both Conscious Rational and Automatic Associative mind Dynamic at first stable resistant to change when formed Types of Schemata concept specific person group stereotypes self fluctuates across situations event stand alone procedure scripts Scripts an enduring cognitive structure summarizing commonalities restaurant script 1 knowledge base facilitates communication cooperation manifest in behaviors and narratives Theories vs phenomena phenomena is what something is or what an affect is and theories are a symbolic representation of reality accounts for why something is Validity internal vs external internal control over variables and validity of measures tests external generalizable Correlation vs causation measures variables to see if they are related Cause of one variable could correlate with another correlation does NOT equal causation Methods for studying behavior mental processes physical processes surveys observation jane gooddall Meta analysis results from all studies on a particular topic quantitative literature review that combines the statistical manipulate IV in a real world setting pure real world environment no control need good Field Experiment Observational study Surveys coding difficult to achieve desirability and accuracy of behavior Experience sampling Simulation Physiological measurement fMRI EEG questionnaire time efficient a lot of data self report biases social gather data on behavior as it happens journal put people into roles see how they behave 2 Social Cognition Chapter 5 Conscious vs automatic mind also called rational and associative slow reasoning effortful flexible controllable conscious automatic fast effortless unintentional stubborn stable evaluations based on gut instinct automaticity most psychological processes occur automatically not necessarily outside of awareness but outside of conscious control 5 of behaviors governed by conscious control supported by different theoretical perspectives priming spreading activation of related mental nodes priming activates related concepts ideas in the mind s network automatic uncontrollable used by psychologists to examine associations within mental networks and how they affect responses and behavior affective vs semantic priming 2 affective evaluative network categorize words snake and garden as good or bad semantic facts The Prime and the target are in the same semantic category and share features Ex dog will prime wolf Schemas cognitive structures representing ideas in the mind exists in conscious and unconscious mind dynamic stable and resistant to change Types of schemas concepts specific person group stereotypes self fluctuates across situations events procedure scripts restaurant script stability over time impact behavior thoughts emotional response dynamic at first stable and resistant to change when formed impact on person perception impression how to behave in certain situations behave certain ways because it s how you expect it to go behavioral confirmation self fulfilling prophesy male female phone conversation male shown photo of attractive or unattractive woman men who thought partner was attractive behaved more warmly flirtatiously rated partners as warmer more attractive natural observers listened to just the woman s half of the conversation without receiving a picture and rated women as more attractive warmer likable if they were talking to a man who believed she was more attractive men s expectation influenced women s mannerisms behavior Self fulfilling prophesy generates that it will come true a prediction that ensures by the behavior it First the person believes that a certain event will happen in the future Then this expectation prophesy leads to a new behavior that the person would not have engaged in without the expectation Third the expectation takes place and prophesy is fulfilled Ex In an experiment conducted a teacher was told that certain students in class were smarter and would do better in the class The teacher gave those students more attention which resulted in them doing better in the class chameleon effect we are more likely to shake our feet cross our arms if the people we re with are doing the same thing We basically mimic the behavior of others this increases likability if mimic other person color red effects on perception women in red rated as more attractive also can be considered threatening men see it as strength masculine bad for job interviews lie detection decline in ability to detect 4th 5th graders lying 7th graders just as good
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