Chapter 1 The Human Communication Process Communication Defined Communication is a conscious or unconscious intentional or unintentional process in which feels and ideas are expressed as verbal and or nonverbal messages that are sent received and comprehended Intrapersonal communication aka personal communication is communicating with yourself thought processing personal decision making listening determining self concept Interpersonal communication refers to communication that takes place between 2 or more persons who establish a communicative relationship Public communication is characterized by a speaker sending a message to an audience Communication is dynamic continuous irreversible interactive contextual The Components of Human Communication Selective communication we can choose the symbol we believe best represents the idea concept we wish to express Source originator of the message Receiver recipient of the message Messages communication Feedback response to a message Frame of reference a perceptual screen Perceptions the way you view the world affect your interpretation of a communication stimulus o Culture communication skills physical emotional states experiences attitudes memory expectations Encode take ideas and put them into message form Primary signal system the 5 senses Decode translates the received message Communication noise any internal or external interference in the communication process o Environmental noise o Physiological impairment noise o Semantic noise meaning of words o Syntactical noise inappropriate grammar usage o Organizational noise o Cultural noise o Psychological noise stress irritation Communication As a System Communication system participants setting purpose how they interact Communication is regular predictable Type of system affects who speaks Models of Human Communication Linear Model of Communication o A source encodes a message and sends it to a receiver through one or more sensory channels Receiver receives the message and then decodes it o One directional communication Interactional Model of Communication o A source encodes a message and sends it to a receiver through one or more sensory channels Receiver receives the message and then decodes it and then encodes feedback back to the source o Two directional Transactional Model of Communication o Communicators simultaneously process message o Multidirectional The Media as Communicators Some lives are shaped by the media Can be positive or negative Communication and Culture Culture gives us our language ethics morals social political ideals makes us human Intracultural communication when you interact with ppl whom you have a cultural bond with Intercultural communication when you speak to ppl with whom you have little no cultural bond Multicultural Pluralism individuals are encouraged to maintain their individual identities Ethnocentrism we consider the views and standards of our own in group and still be part of a larger group more important than the out group Ethnocentrism can impeded communication We want to replace ethnocentrism with cultural relativism standpoint that no culture is superior that every culture deserves to be described and understood First Amendment Speech First amendment speech protects right to speak without restrictions leaves much up to the court for interpretation Ethics and Communication Ethics systematic study of what should be the grounds and principles for acceptable and unacceptable behavior Personal ethical value system basis for your decision making and your understanding of why you will or will not take a stand action Ethical communicators are those who respect the integrity of ideas and concerns from the listeners conform to the moral standards a society establishes for its communicators
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