DIE4310 Exam 2 Study Guide Student Research Spring 2014 Chapter 7 National Nutrition Agenda 15 questions Dietary Reference Intakes DRIs Define compare and contrast the six measures included in the DRIs EAR RDA AI UL AMDR EER DRI Dietary Reference Intake A set of reference values for energy and nutrients that can be used for planning and assessing diets for healthy people individuals groups nutrient goal to be achieved over time good example poly making in action shift from prevention of deficiencies to chronic disease EAR Estimate Average Requirement The amount of a nutrient that is estimated to meet the requirement for the nutrient in half of the people of a specific age and gender The EAR is used in setting the RDA Requirements based on measurements that indicate whether individual is at risk of deficiency RDA Recommended Dietary Allowance The average daily amount of a nutrient that is sufficient to meet the nutrient needs of 97 to 98 of healthy individuals of a specific age and gender Set EAR AI Adequate Intake The average amount of a nutrient that is assumed to be adequate for individuals when there is not sufficient scientific research to calculate an RDA The AI exceeds the EAR and possibly the RDA Set when there is not enough scientific evidence to determine RDA UL Tolerable Upper Intake Level The maximum amount of a nutrient that is unlikely to pose any risk of adverse health effects to most healthy people The UL is not intended to be a recommended level of intake AMDR Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Range A range of intakes for a particular energy source carbohydrate fat protein that is associated with a reduced risk of chronic disease while providing adequate intakes of essential nutrients EER Estimated Energy Requirement The average calorie intake that is predicted to maintain energy balance in a healthy adult of a defined age gender weight height and level of a physical activity consistent with good health What is the relationship of the EAR to the RDA How is the EAR established The EAR is used to establish the RDA RDA EAR 2SD or multiply by factor the EAR is established from research evidence What are the limitations of the Daily values on food labels as a re enforcement tool to the RDA or AI Daily values are based off of a set estimated calorie intake 2000kcal day and they only give you a percent of the intake not how much you are actually getting Information in nutrition labeling is not intended to be used to plan individual diets Current percent Daily Values DVs that appear in the Nutrition Facts box in the United States are based in part on recommended reference values for nutrients from the 1968 Discuss the uses of the DRIs in public health nutrition programs and policies Used to set standards for food assistance programs for licensing group facilities day care nursing homes to design nutrition education programs develop new foods products new approach to dietary guidance potential to influence dietary messages provide to clients communities affect food fortification policy stimulate development of new products by industry Using DRI Individual EAR assess intake probability inadequacy RDA goal at or above no deficiency AI idem UL risk toxicity Group EAR assess intake prevalence inadequacy RDA not used AI goal at or above no deficiency UL risk toxicity Dietary Guidelines of Americans 7th edition 23 key recommendations for the general population and 6 additional key recommendations for specific population groups such as pregnant women The recommendations are intended to help people choose an overall healthy diet Comprised of six chapters that summarize and synthesize knowledge about individual nutrients and food components into an interrelated set of recommendations for healthy eating that can be adopted by the public Chapter 1 Introduction This chapter introduces the document and provides information and background and purposes Chapter 2 Balancing Calories to Manage Weight This chapter explains the concept of calorie balance describes some of the environmental forces that have contributed to the current epidemic of overweight and obesity and discusses diet and physical activity principles that can be used to help Americans achieve calorie balance Chapter 3 Foods and Food Components to Reduce This chapter focuses on several dietary components that Americans generally consume in excess compared to recommendations These include sodium solid fats major sources of saturated fats and trans fats cholesterol added sugars refined grains and for some Americans alcohol The chapter explains that reducing foods and beverages that contain relatively high amounts of these dietary components and replacing them with foods and beverages that provide substantial amounts of nutrients and relatively few calories would improve the health of Americans Chapter 4 Foods and Nutrients to Increase This chapter focuses on the nutritious foods that are recommended for nutrient adequacy disease prevention and overall good health These include vegetables fruits whole grains fat free or low fat milk and milk products dairy products protein foods including seafood lean meat and poultry eggs beans and peas soy products nuts and seeds and oils Additionally nutrients of public health concern including potassium dietary fiber calcium and vitamin D are discussed Chapter 5 Building Healthy Eating Patterns This chapter shows how the recommendations and principles described in earlier chapters can be combined into a healthy overall eating pattern The USDA Food Patterns and DASH Eating Plan are healthy eating patterns that provide flexible templates allowing all Americans to stay within calorie limits meet their nutrient needs and reduce chronic disease risk Chapter 6 Helping Americans Make Healthy Choices This chapter discusses two critically important facts The first is that the current food and physical activity environment is influential in the nutrition and activity choices that people make for better and for worse The second is that all elements of society including individuals and families communities business and industry and various levels of government have a positive and productive role to play in the movement to make America healthy The chapter suggests a number of ways that these players can work together to improve the Nation s nutrition and physical activity What are the limitations of the DVs on food labels as a re enforcement tool to the DGAs It s not specific to one person and it s
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