PSYC 221 Fall 2013 Study Guide for Final Exam Note This study guide is for all the material since exam 2 All other material from the rest of the semester is fair game to appear on the final exam so you can utilize the other 2 study guides I posted for the midterms Also note The exam will be weighted towards newer material So probably between 50 55 of the questions will be on stuff since the last exam with the remaining 45 50 on older material Also note ALL textbook chapters are fair game for the final exam except for chapter 2 I Religion Morality Functions of religion a Terror management death anxiety priming people with thoughts of death will make them more likely to believe in the afterlife Death and anxiety more conservative Some Atheists say they become more religious when primed with death mixed results Mortality salience anxiety free rider problems b Social identity communication bonding cooperation altruism handles Atheists sometimes have religious experiences unity with mankind transcendence of time psychedelic drugs 70 of Americans say religious identity is their strongest identity Religious people tend to donate more to charity more altruistic Free Rider Problem associate with religious group but don t financially participate c Formation facilitation of large groups and common goals causes Groupishness group level morality sports Greek life etc Collective Effervescence people coming together and celebrating ideas singing in church chanting at sports games Group society norms bind us together d Compliance with rules laws social norms and in group loyalty Seeing God as post mortem justice increases compliance with rules Mean God When people fear that they will be judged after death they re more likely to comply with religious rules and behave People do in group behaviors that seem odd to an outside person Tribes burning man e Coping with stress pain suffering make meaning from traumatic experiences now Compensatory Control people say that everything is in God s hands allows people to resolve that they don t have control Realizing that nothing is random helps cope with tragedy Secure attachment with God helps generate secure attachment with others in real life Belief in a just world everyone gets what they deserve there s a Effects of religious beliefs and or belief in God reason for punishment suffering a Reduced cheating dishonesty if people believe they are being watched by God they will be less likely to cheat and act dishonestly b Coping and or social support from others in religious group or God it s easier to cope with tragedy when you have support from other people who believe in the same thing as you See compensatory control understand that God is in control of everything not in your control and things happen for a reason More likely to help and get help from those that are your in group members in group bias Proximity Seeking seek God as father figure when there s stress c Moralizing normative behavior bible religion puts restrictions on normal behaviors eating sex working so people feel like God is judging them everyday since we perform these acts every day of our lives Religious vs secular people less adultery and more happiness among religious people The priming of religion helps increase peoples willpower to refrain from immoral acts like adultery 1 Association btwn social norms and suicide rates lower rates of and to be happier suicide in societies where there are established social norms and more governing power people feel less alone Moral Association killing yourself is a sin believing that will make you less likely to commit the crime d Competition conflict between groups in group favoritism preferential treatment of people that are in your group Group Deservingness people emphasize the struggles of their group play the victim and justify why they deserve success because of it Holy Wars victory for the group victory for the greater good universe Just as much religious prejudice out there if not more than racial prejudice Similarities between religious people and secular atheists a Both groups have religious experiences secular atheists have them because of psychedelic drugs or attribute the experiences to fate 1 Atheists unity with mankind psychedelic highs elevation and awe b Religious people are typically happier and psychologically healthier c Both believe in karma d Study neither would sell their soul Atheists didn t really value souls Discrimination against atheists not typically well liked some discrimination Moral dumbfounding intuitiveness you have strong moral reactions but no though even in the job hunt reasoning to explain them a We have emotional reaction and follow it up with a cognitive reasoning 1 Look for reasons to defend what we believe intuitively b Big idea emotions are what drive moral judgment Study of siblings having sex subject was disgusted and looked for information to justify that feeling of disgust morally felt disgusted intuitively and then looked for cognitive explanations as to why c Mind as a lawyer predetermined conclusion find way to argue it Morality at 2 levels individual group level morality we have moral a Individual Level traits that we as individuals have always had care fairness liberty animals even show these traits Stressed more by Liberals b Group Level humans are unique in having group morals in group loyalty patriotism authority respect parents Conservatives think both are necessary c Binding morals and ethics facilitate more cooperation and altruism 5 moral foundations differences for liberals conservatives described in Haidt s TED talk on moral roots of liberals conservatives and the article New Synthesis on Moral Psychology Note there are actually 6 foundations now I mentioned the 6th one in class which is called liberty oppression you are not required to know this one since it s not in the TED talk or the article but it s interesting to know and you can find more information here http www moralfoundations org a Purity Sanctity gain virtue by controlling body and what we put into it Dirty Liberals subjects put next to bottle of hand sanitizer rated themselves as more conservative when next to it 1 2 Conservative ideology related with cleanliness and purity b In group Loyalty people come together patriotism c Fairness Inequality reciprocal altruism justice and rights d Authority Respect history of hierarchy in social interactions authoritarian parenting styles seen more in conservatives e Harm Care neural
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