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Chapter 5 Intrapersonal Communication Intrapersonal Communication internally communicating with yourself I Self Talk intrapersonally communicating within yourself A Develops in a timeline as one matures reflexive vocalization 1 2 Babbling 3 Echoing 4 Selective Ability 5 Sentence Building 6 Concept Formulation 7 Rhetorical Strategies B Self Concept your idea or picture of oneself is the accumulation of knowledge about the self such as beliefs regarding personality traits physical characteristics abilities values goals and roles 1 Physical Self Esteem how you perceive your body 2 Moral Ethical relates to your evaluation of your belief system your moral behavior 3 Family views of your family relationship the functional system of your family how you were treated by your parents or whoever was responsiblw for your upbringing 4 Social how you regard yourself in a social setting your pleasing others and your treatment of others C Self Love accepting oneself as a worthy person because you choose to do so II Cognitive Processing comprehending organizing and storing ideas An aspect of intrapersonal communication it is how we process information in relationship to our values attitudes and beliefs A Cognitive Dissotance imbalance between our cognitive processing i e we have the morals to not to do something but do it anyway III The Self A Real Self what you think of yourself when you are most honest about your interests thoughts emotions needs B Ideal Self who you would like to be or think you should be C Public Self the one you let others know IV Need Drivers Affecting communication A Survival In born reactions that we instinctively use to communicate our fear of a possible ending of our existence B Pleasure Seeking we choose to communicate in a way that will get us the most pleasure C Security caues us to seek equilibrium and control so we don t feel unesy D Territorial whether physical or perceptual and feel secure within that territory V Communication Apprehension shyness social anxiety social phobia A Often gets anxiety 1 Physical fast heart rate diffulcuty breathing nausea 2 Cognitive Signs worry self messages

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UMD COMM 107 - Chapter 5 Intrapersonal Communication

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