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9 19 12 Social Psychology Is self esteem always good Costly pursuits of self esteem Increasing self esteem In a healthy way o Desire to believe we re worth and good in a vacuum artificially inflated Reverse causality o Lack of motivation to improve learn master a task better oneself Dweck s education research o Domain of competence breadth depth o Achievement accomplishments o Capitalization Share good news and success with loved ones i e getting into college and telling parents and friends o Coping strategies dealing with defeat adversity and change transition Benefits of adversity Rising to challenges self concept grows o You re stronger than you realized Strengthening social ties relationships Optimists benefit from tragedy trauma o Different than baseline recovery Personality 3 levels 1 Trait 2 Adaptation change with changing environment a Bidirectional influence with level 1 3 Life story narrative a Integrates a reconstructed past perceived present and anticipated future into a coherent and vitalizing life myth Overcoming adversity contributes to life narrative level 3 a Stories of struggle redemption vertical coherence matching amongst 3 levels a If traits don t match pursuits or life narrative distress Autobiographical memory Coming of age o Social development Self control willpower Ego depletion the self as a limited resource Delay gratification Conscientiousness responsibility Two kinds of motivation Achievement motivation processes o Intrinsic motivation internal factors Curiosity challenge Inherent value in the activity Raised enthusiasm effort enjoyment and success o Extrinsic motivation external factors Rewards incentives punishments deadlines competition Conditioning compensation competition Effort and performance are now dependent on the reward incentive Removing the reward decreased motivation o Control over behavior through resolve effort not because of external success or Over justification Two competeing motivation are disruptive o Priming activating selfish vs communal goals Fear of failure o Especially with public evaluation Self enhancement self esteem Self determination Self determination rewards o causal agaency empowerment o Contributes to intrinsic motivation Very important for psychological well being o Psychological food o Increases happiness life satisfaction Competence self efficacy Autonomy internal intrinsic control o Identity uniqueness Relatedness social ties relationships o Need to belong Love and work Competing needs Secure intimate relationships o More job career satisfaction fulfillment o Less negative spillover o Less fear of failure How does this occur o Encouragement support increased confidence o Dependency paradox Dependence and independence go together Even if offered hints by their significant others they still do better if they take the test without the hints o Label secure autonomous Implications of self determinaiton theory People are NOT inherently lazy Reactance Encourage curiosity intellectual growth challenges and self expansion o Asserting freedom autonomy even rebellion o Adolescence M rated video games Romeo and Juliet effect o Think outside the box Recall need for uniqueness innovation o Some extrinsic motivators work well Praise from supportive people Efficacy competence Mindset implicit theories Entity fixed abilities traits o Seek enviroments that are well suited for existing abilities level 1 level 2 Incremental change development o Seek new challenging environments o Intervention teach that intelligence skill willpower can be built and imporved with practice Level 2 level 1 o Expectation reality

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UMD PSYC 221 - Social Psychology

Documents in this Course


26 pages

Chapter 1

Chapter 1

16 pages



30 pages

Chapter 6

Chapter 6

10 pages

Exam 2

Exam 2

12 pages

Exam 1

Exam 1

10 pages

Exam 1

Exam 1

10 pages



10 pages

Exam 2

Exam 2

19 pages



8 pages

Test 1

Test 1

14 pages



34 pages

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