COMM107 2001 Semester Notes At Home Chapter 1 The Human Communication Process Communication involved in all parts of life important skill to have Communication a conscious or unconscious intentional or unintentional process in which feelings and ideas are expressed as verbal and nonverbal messages that are sent received and comprehended Intrapersonal communication communicating with yourself Interpersonal communication with others small group Public communication speaker sending message to audience Communication includes a source the receiver messages feedback frame of reference and noise soured encodes receiver decodes Primary signal system the senses Channel what we communicate through sight hear touch Noise disrupts communication o Environmental noise outside interference sink running in kitchen o Physiological impairment noise blind or deaf o Semantic noise meaning of words misunderstood o Syntactical noise inappropriate use of grammar o Organizational noise unstructured order of ideas o Cultural noise comes from preconceived cultural notions o Physiological noise frustration or irritation Communication must be altered sometimes to diffuse disagreements LINEAR MODEL OF COMMUNICATION o One direction o Source encodes sends through channels and receiver decodes o Ex buying cd and using instructions to install it on computer INTERACTIONAL MODEL OF COMMUNICATION o Dynamic and two directional o Sends message and receives feedback TRANSACTIONAL MODEL OF COMMUNICATION o More complex than sending receiving and responding o It is simultaneous actions with adaptations and changes o Steps are not mutually exclusive they interact o Nodding and question asking during someone else talking Intracultural communication communicating with own culture Intercultural communication communication with other culture Media communicates with the public and shapes opinions Culture passed on through communication yet communication is affected by culture Cross cultural communication is difficult and has many hurdles including ethnocentrism Freedom of speech good but should it be restricted sometimes When it harms others Ethical Communicators those who respect the integrity of ideas and concerns from the listeners also never lie or falsify COMMUNICATIVE EVENT has communicators a purpose and a setting 9 2 09 In Class Communication Process o Perceptual Filter everything that drives a message experiences attitude emotions culture etc affect message Being familiar with a subject understanding letter exercise o Encoding o Channel o Decoding o Feedback Linear Model o Source to receiver one way o Ex nightly news broadcast it goes a to b with no feedback Interactional Model o Two way o Conversation back and forth o Encode message send receiver gets it then becomes source sends back Transactional Model o Source and Receiver communicate simultaneously o While talking to me I m thinking of response nodding head reading body language o Communication is all simultaneous flow of events YOU CAN NEVER NOT COMMUNICATE EVEN WHEN YOU DON T TALK YOU RE STILL giving a message body language COMMUNICATION IS o Dynamic o Continuous o Irreversible o Interactive o Contextual Noise o Anything that gets in the way of a message being understood o Environmental actual things going on around you o Physiological Impairment deaf blindness culture block ear plugs o Semantic words Ex soda pop coke yoda o Syntactical grammar o Organizational o Cultural We are all part of many cultures Age nationality gender sexuality religion family allegiances places Multicultural Intracultural Communication within the culture Intercultural Communication talking w a different culture Ethnocentrism Belief that one s culture is the primary way to explain all aspects of reality What we see as normal Natural to an extent Cultural relativism AT Home Chapter 2 Foundations of Verbal Language Language A system of arbitrary signals such as sounds gestures or symbols used by a nation people or distinct community to communicate thoughts or feelings Language has meaning by the way words are strung together Language has many theories of origin but whatever the truth it gave us HUGE ADVANTAGE over non verbal Neanderthals Language is dynamic and constantly changing Cybernetic Process how we interpret and store signals transmitted to us LANGUAGE EXPLOSION THEORY o We build communication skills from the core of language we develop early in life o Says parents develop our speech the most SIGNIFICANT OTHER THEORY o We have no identity whatsoever except in relationships to others o Others views and ideas influence our language o People impact our language that we respect or look up to Linguistics study of sounds structure and rules of human language o Certain features are common to all languages All based on a set of symbols both verbal and nonverbal Alphabetically based languages recognize the differences between vowels and consonants All have ordered structural categories such as verbs nouns and objects Words in and of themselves are not inherently meaningful Sapir Whorf or linguistic relativity hypothesis A person s understanding of the world and how the person behaves are direct results of the language a person speaks Denotative Meanings direct explicit meanings dog Connotative Meanings difficult to agree on exact meaning good pretty nice Semantics relationship of language and meaning FUNCTIONS OF LANGUAGE o Emotive Language Emotional connotative words to express feelings and attitudes o Phatic Language Performs a social task Ex greetings how are you whats up small talk o Cognitive Language Convey information o Rhetorical Language Influence thoughts and behaviors o Identifying Language Centers on naming persons or things specifically Using name instead of she Ambiguity and vagueness result in language distortion Doublespeak goal is to use vagueness to distort reality make something bad seem good Inferences interpret beyond available info and jump to conclusion without all info available Dialect social or regional variation of language soda vs pop vs coke Accent pronunciation differs Standard vs Non standard dialects accepted and most used vs non Standard would be the way news anchors and magazines talk non standard would be southern or Boston type dialects Slang words that are related to a specific activity and are immediately understood by members of particular group and not others cool Inarticulates uttered sounds words or phrases that have no meaning stuff like that
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