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Comm107 Midterm Review Ch 1 Communication conscious or unconscious intentional or unintentional process in which feelings and ideas are expressed as verbal and or nonverbal messages that are sent received and comprehended Communication singular communicative behavior v Communications plural tool for communication ex media Characteristics of Communication Dynamic constantly in a state of change Continuous never stops asleep or awake Irreversible once you send a message can t do it Interactive constantly in contact with other people and with ourselves cycle of action and reaction Contextual adapt to setting people present and purpose of the communication Types of Noise Environmental outside interference that prevents the receiver from gaining the message Physiological physical problem that blocks the sending or receiving of a message ex blind deaf Semantic meaning of words ex language differences Syntactical inappropriate grammatical usage Organizational ideas not presented in a structured order Cultural preconceived unyielding attitudes about how members of a culture should act or what they should believe Psychological stress frustration irritation Models of Communication Linear source encodes a message and sends it to a receiver through 1 sensory channels receiver receives and decodes the message one directional Interactional source encodes and sends message to a receiver receiver receives and decodes message then encodes feedback and sends it back to the source source adapts to feedback two directional Transactional communicators simultaneously process messages best representation of most forms of communication Ethnocentrism we consider the views standards of our own in group as much more important than any out group Other key terms Public communication speaker sends a message to the audience Selective communication we can choose the symbol we believe best represents the idea or concept we wish to express Ethical communicators those who respect the integrity of ideas and concerns from the listeners Ch 2 Language Learning Theories Language Explosion Theory we build communication skills from the core of the language we develop early in life Significant Other Theory our understanding of self is built by others Language Instinct Theory language is a biological adaptation Social Constructive Theory Sapir Whorf Hypothesis Linguistic Relativity Hypothesis our understanding of the world is based on the language we speak Denotative Meaning direct explicit dictionary definition v Connotative Meaning implied suggested those to which we attach particular implications can vary from person to person Functions of Language Emotive employs emotional connotative words to express the feelings of the speaker Phatic only function is to perform a social task as opposed to conveying information Cognitive convey information usually denotative Rhetorical influence thoughts and behaviors employs connotative terms to be persuasive Identifying names persons or things specifically clarifies exactly what we re speaking about Language Distortion Other Key Terms Ambiguity word has more than one meaning Vagueness words or sentences lack clarity doublespeak form of vagueness that is deceptive evasive or confusing Inferences interpret beyond available information jump to conclusions Inarticulates words with no meaning ex um Language system of arbitrary signals used to communicate thoughts and feelings study of language study of meaning Semantics the relationship of language and meaning Cybernetic process how we select the symbols we want to use Linguistics the study of sounds structure and rules of human language Dialect social or regional variation of a language high prestige standard low prestige nonstandard Ch 3 Nonverbal Communication messages that people exchange beyond words themselves Sources of Nonverbal Signs Innate neurological programs automatic nonverbal reactions to stimuli with which we are born reflexive Cultural learned from the people around us reflective Halo Effect v Devil Effect attractive people are given more credit Action Chain behavioral sequence with two or more people in which there are standard steps for reaching a goal Relationships of Nonverbal to Verbal Communication Substituting nonverbal message replaces the verbal message ex nodding your head yes Complementing nonverbal message accompanies the verbal message ex nodding your head as you say yes Conflicting verbal and nonverbal message are in contrast to one another Accenting nonverbal message stresses the verbal message ex poke someone as you verbally get their attention Categories of Nonverbal Communication Kinesics the study of communication through body movements or gestures Fasics how the face communicates Ocalics how the eyes communicate Gestics study of the movements of the body Haptics study of the use of touch Body Synchrony posture walking standing Artifacts study of clothing and accessories Proxemics the study of how people use and perceive their social and personal space Paravocalics the vocal affects that accompany words vocal cues Chronemics the way people handle and structure their time Olfactics the study of smell Aesthetics the study of communication of message or mood through color or music Gustorics the study of how taste communicates Ch 4 Hearing biological activity involving reception of a message through sensory channels v Listening reception attention perception assignment of meaning response Purposes of Listening Discriminative understand differences in verbal sounds and nonverbal behavior gain sensitivity to sights and sounds Comprehensive recognize and retain the information in a message Therapeutic listener learns when to ask questions when to stimulate future discussion when to give advice Critical listener s comprehending and evaluating the message that has been received Appreciative enjoyment of or sensory stimulation to the message Other Key Terms Paraphrasing making a summary of the ideas that you have just received Perception person takes in the material received and attempts to analyze what has been input Linear learners listeners prefer specifics logic based arguments structured straight line left hemisphere Global listeners learners prefer generalized descriptions explore information enjoy interaction right hemisphere Egospeak speaking only about what we want to talk about without caring what the other person is saying Ch 5 Intrapersonal Communication internal communication with yourself Self

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