BUSMHR 3200 Professor Lount Book Study Guide Robbins Judge Robbins Judge Chapter Six Motivation Concepts What is Motivation The processes that account for individuals intensity direction and persistence of effort toward attaining a goal organizational o Intensity how hard person tries o Effort channeled should be in direction that benefits organization quality o Persistence is how long person can maintain effort Maslow s Hierarchy of needs Physiological hunger thirst shelter sex and other bodily needs Safety security and protection from physical and emotional harm Social affection belongingness acceptance and friendship Esteem internal factors such as self respect autonomy and achievement and external factors such as status recognition and attention Self actualization drive to become what we are capable of becoming growth achieving our potential and self fulfillment A substantially satisfied need no longer motivates so as each becomes substantially satisfied a new need dominates o Lower order needs physiological and safety satisfied externally o Higher order needs social esteem and self actualization satisfied internally Theory X vs Theory Y Theory X managers believe employees inherently dislike work and must therefore be directed or coerced into performing it Theory Y managers assume employees view work as being natural as rest or play and average person can learn to accept and even seek responsibility o Higher order needs dominate individuals Herzberg s Two Factor Theory Individual relationship to work is basic and attitude toward work can very well determine success or failure what do people want from their jobs o In detail situations where felt exceptionally good or bad about job replies differ significantly Respondents who felt good about work attribute factors to themselves Dissatisfied respondents cite extrinsic factors such as supervision pay company policy and working conditions Opposite of satisfaction is not dissatisfaction dual continuum opposite of satisfaction is no satisfaction and opposite of dissatisfaction is no dissatisfaction Hygiene factors quality of supervision pay company policy physical working conditions relationships with others and job security o When adequate people will not be dissatisfied or satisfied 1 BUSMHR 3200 Professor Lount Book Study Guide Robbins Judge McClelland s Theory of Needs Need for Achievement drive to excel and achieve in relation to set of standards to strive to succeed behaved otherwise Need for Power need to make others behave in way I which they would not have Need for Affiliation desire for friendly and close interpersonal relationships When jobs have high degree of personal responsibility and feedback and intermediate degree of risk high achievers strongly motivated High need to achieve doesn t make someone good manager interested in personal achievements Needs for affiliation and power tend to be closely related to managerial success o High need for power and low need for affiliation Self Determination Theory Proposes that people prefer to feel they have control over their actions so anything that makes previously enjoyed task feel more like obligation than freely chosen activity will undermine motivation People seek ways to achieve competence and positive connections to others Provide feedback that improves intrinsic motivation Self concordance how strongly peoples reasons for pursuing goals are consistent with interests and core values if pursuing goals because of intrinsic interest more likely to attain and happy if don t o People who pursue for extrinsic reasons less likely to attain goals and less happy Hypothesize that extrinsic rewards will reduce intrinsic interest in a task When paid for work feels less like something want to do and more like something have when do achieve Cognitive Evaluation Theory to do Goal Setting Theory Effect of goal specificity challenge and feedback on performance o Specific goals increase performance difficult goals when accepted result in higher performance than easy goals and feedback leads to higher performance than no feedback guide behavior Difficult goals get our attention and help us focus energize us to work harder to attain them persist in trying to attain discover helpful strategies in performing job effectively Goals tell employee what needs to be done and how much effort is expended Goal commitment goals made public individual has internal locus of control and goals are self set rather than assigned Management by Objectives Emphasizes participatively set goals that are tangible verifiable and measurable 2 BUSMHR 3200 Professor Lount Book Study Guide Robbins Judge Organizations goals translated into specific objectives for each succeeding level of organization divisional department and individual o Works from bottom up and top down hierarchy that links objectives at one level to those at next Provides specific personal performance objectives for individual Goal specificity participation in decision making explicit time period and performance feedback Self Efficacy Theory and ways to increase Self Efficacy Individuals belief that they are capable of performing a task o Higher self efficacy more confidence have in ability to succeed respond to negative feedback with increased effort and motivation Compliments goal setting theory when manager sets difficult goals for employees have higher level of self efficacy and set higher goals for own performance Four ways to increase self efficacy o Enactive mastery most important gaining relevant experience with task or job o Vicarious modeling becoming more confident because you see someone else doing task Most effective when see self as similar to person you are observing o Verbal persuasion becoming more confident because someone convinces you that you have skills necessary to be successful Pygmalion effect form of self fulfilling prophecy in which believing something can make it true o Arousal leads to energized state which drives person to complete task Equity Theory and Common Referent Comparisons Employees perceive what they get from job situation salary levels raises and recognition in relationship to what they put into it effort education competence and then compare their outcome input ratio with that of relevant others o If we perceive equal ratio then state of equity exists and situation is fair and justice prevails o When feel inequity will change inputs change outcomes distort perceptions of self distort perceptions of others
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