TAMU MARB 435 - Inroduction to Protists
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Lecture 3 MARB 435 Outline of Last Lecture 1 Introduction to Phylogenetics A Morphological Data a Characters b Character States c Character Matrix B Molecular Data a Characters b Character States C Introduction to Phylogenetic Trees a Cladogram Trees b Phylograms Trees c Ultrametric Trees D Resolution a Polytomy b Multifurcation c Bifurcation E Lecture 1 Note Vocabulary Outline of Current Lecture 1 Introduction to Protists 2 Introduction to Protozoan s 3 Eukaryotic Cell Components a Cell Components Function 4 Cytoskeleton 5 Flagella Cilia 6 Pseudopodia a Protozoan Specialized Parts 7 Introduction to Protozoan Groups a Alveolates i Phylum Ciliophora ii Phylum Dinoza Din flagellates 1 Noctiluca scintillans 2 Pfiesteria piscicid 3 Human Concerns of Dinoflagellates 4 Karenia breve 5 Hematodinium perezi 6 Zooanthellae iii Phylum Apicomplexa 1 Malaria b Amoebozoa c Rhizaria i Phylum Radioza ii Phylum Formanifera d Excavata i Choanoflagellates Current Lecture Introduction to Protists Protists are unicellular eukaryotic cells Unicellular means that organisms that consist of only one cell Eukaryotic is defined as having a membrane bound nuclei Protists use to be one of the five kingdoms which were Protist Fungi Animilia Plantae and Bacteria Protists was replaced with Monera because they re now considered polyphyletic Polyphyletic mean that an organism derived from more than one ancestor or ancestral group Since protists are such a large group commonly they are characterized as protozoans which are a subset of smaller unit of protists Introduction to Protozoans Protozoans are unicellular and don t contain a collagen or chitinous cell wall Protozoans are usually categorized as being non photosynthetic meaning that they can t use sunlight to make their own food along with carbon dioxide and water Protozoans are complex organisms despite being unicellular Eukaryotic Cell Components Functions Eukaryotic cells contain a membrane around the nuclei Their functional parts are listed microfilaments nucleus mitochondria lysosomes chromatin nucleolus cell membrane Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum ER microtubules ribosomes Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum ER centrioles Golgi Apparatus and flagellum Functions 1 Microfilaments Thin actin filaments composed to make a helix and are located in the cytoskeleton 2 Nucleus The head quarters of the cell and helps regulate the cell 3 Mitochondria Produces ATP energy and the site of cellular respiration 4 Lysosomes Helps digest cell materials 5 Chromatin Storehouse for DNA 6 Nucleolus Helps the cell by assembling ribosomes 7 Cell Membrane Protective cover of the cell and has lipids in the semi permeable bilayer 8 Rough ER Supports the cell and helps make proteins The surface area if covered with ribosomes 9 Microtubules Help with dividing the cell during mitosis 10 Ribosomes Make protein which attach to the Rough ER 11 Smooth ER Helps make up the cell membrane and isn t covered in ribosomes 12 Centrioles Assist in the attachment of microtubules 13 Golgi Apparatus Helps synthesis lipids 14 Flagellum Assists with locomotion Cytoskeleton The cytoskeleton is a main component for eukaryotic cells because they help support the cell and assist keeping the cells structure The cytoskeleton is made up of microtubules and microfilaments Microtubules are cylindrical structures composed of proteins Microfilaments are winding filaments that form a helix and are composed of actin protein Flagella Cilia The main two sources of locomotion throughout the cell are commonly known as the flagella cilia but they have many differences besides their function Flagella and cilia follow a mathematical formula that should be understood when studying eukaryotic cell which is shown in Figure 1 9 x 2 2 is a formula which represents the arrangement of diene protein which assists with movement in the cilia and flagella The 9 represents the nine diene s that line the cilia and flagella X 2 represents the top and bottom parts of the cilia The 2 represent the two diene in the middle of the cilia and flagella Cilia are short and move in unison or metachronally Metarchronally means moving all at the same pace and in the same direction When cilia moves metarchronally each stoke takes the same amount of time Flagella are long and whip like Flagella are more powerful than cilia Where as one cell might need thousands of cilia one might cell might need only a few flagella Pseudopodia Pseudopodia are protrusion on a cell that is used for feeding and locomotion Cytoplasm flows into the pseudopodia and can control a moving organism direction Similar to the pseudopodia protozoan s contain numerous specialized organs such as contractile vacuoles Contractile vacuoles are where commonly known for being the site where waste is removed from the cell Protozoans contain two types of extrusomes trichocysts and toxicysts Extrusomes as organelles located on the bottom of the cell that can protrude Trichocysts are simply protrusible filaments whereas toxicysts are protrusable filaments that contain toxins and are used for defense and to capture prey Introduction to Protozoan Groups 1 Alveolates Phylum s Ciliophora Phylum Dinoza and Phylum Apicomplexa 2 Amoebozoa 3 Rhizaria Phylum Radiozoa and Phylum Formanifera 4 Excavate Choanoflagellates Alveolates Alveolates contain a membrane composed of pellicle and alveoli The outer covering cell membrane structure is the pellicle and the alveoli is the fluid that fills the pellicle The fluid inside the pellicle helps with supporting the cell and sometimes stores Calcium ions and cellulose They reproduce sexually through conjugation which is uncommon for unicellular organisms Phylum Ciliophora These organisms are found in fresh and marine water commonly in moist soils They are motile and use cilia or flagella to assist in locomotion They are categorized as being one of the fastest moving protozoans When it comes to their feeding ecology the can be classified as herbivores bacteriovores detritivores or predators but they are all heterotrophic Herbivores eat only plant matter bacteriovores eat bacteria and detritivores consume detritus which is waster of debris such as gravel or sand Phylum Dinoza Dinozoa are also known as Dinoflagellates which are fresh and marine water organisms They are commonly primary producers Primary producer s organisms that obtain food by converting light or chemical energy to organic matter They contain two flagellum the longitudinal and transverse Longitudinal

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TAMU MARB 435 - Inroduction to Protists

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 6
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