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Review Questions for Microbiology Exam 2 Questions Chapter 7 1 What are the major Bioelements 2 What is the difference between phagocytosis and pinocytosis 3 What are the three ways cells bring nutrients into the cell 4 Define and describe the differences between Autotrophs Photoautotrophs heterotrophs chemoautotrophs chemoherterotrophs 5 Name and describe the 4 types of chemoautotrophs 6 Which type of bacterial growth has a build up of waste products Why is there a build up of waste products 7 How do bacteria reproduce 8 Name each phase in a Closed System and describe the characteristics of each What is this growth pattern called what type of curve 9 What happens to water in a flask when bacteria grow in it What is this phenomenon called 10 Which type of enumeration requires a computer electric device 11 How does temperature affect the rate of growth for microorganisms 12 How does temperature affect the membrane fluidity in a cell 13 What category of microbial growth includes microorganisms that may attack the human body 14 Some microbes require oxygen for energy metabolism How do these microbes get rid of toxic oxygen derivatives free radicals 15 Which two pathways DO NOT require oxygen 16 Out of the 4 aerobes anaerobes which is most likely to need enzymes that will get rid of toxic oxygen derivatives Why Which is the least likely 17 What is the difference between alkaphiles and acidophiles 18 What is special about Halophiles 19 What are two ways of microbial growth in aquatic environments 20 Define biofilm and describe its Medical importance Chapter 11 Questions 1 What can overuse of antibacterial cleaning agents lead to 2 If you wanted to clean a skin surface what type of cleaning approach would you use 3 If you want to clean equipment before a surgery what type of cleaning approach would you use 4 Rank the microbes in order from HARDEST to kill to EASIEST to kill make sure you know 5 What percent alcohols work the best 6 What type of heat is most successful in killing microorganisms 7 In order to successfully kill most organisms what temperature do you need 8 What type of control agent and what process would be used to reduce microbial levels in FOOD 9 If using an autoclave what are some things you would be using it for How the autoclave use affect microbial growth what type of agent is it 10 What is the difference between ionizing and non ionizing radiation 11 What is the most important part of hand washing 12 Why are quaternary Ammonia compounds one of the most common disinfectants used What are some disadvantages of this control agent 13 Name some advantages and disadvantages of Halogens and Phenolics 14 Explain how the phenol coefficient is used 15 Name and describe the difference between the two types of metabolism 16 What are the electron donors for chemolithotrophy and chemoheterotrophy 17 What is a photon and what type of ATP production is it used for 18 What are the three steps in Cellular Respiration 19 Name the starting and ending products for each reaction within Cellular Respiration 20 What is the final end product of Cellular Respiration 21 What product s is are made in the first step of Cellular Respiration that is are not used until 22 What are some waste products given off during Cellular Respiration What step are they given later in Cellular Respiration off during 23 What type of organisms use Cellular Respiration 24 In ATP where is the energy located 25 What type of metabolism is Cellular Respiration 26 What goes into the Electron Transport Chain and what is needed in order for it to work 27 How is Anaerobic Respiration different from Cellular Respiration aerobic respiration 28 What are the start products and end products in fermentation 29 How is Fermentation similar different from Cellular Respiration 30 Describe the two fermentation pathways 31 What are some food products that result from fermentation 32 What is unique about Chemolithotrophy 33 What is the importance of Chemolithotrophy 34 What is the final electron receptor of Chemolithotrophy 35 What type of organism is capable of this metabolism Chapter 9 Questions 1 What are two things cells do with their DNA 2 What is the Central Dogma of Biology 3 What is the difference between transcription and translation 4 Why is RNA called the working copy 5 Distinguish between DNA polymerase and RNA polymerase 6 How are prokaryotes different than eukaryotes in respect to genetics 7 Name and describe the two ways prokaryotes replicate 8 What type of gene has introns 9 What is polycistronic in reference to and what does this mean 10 How is prokaryotic gene expression different than eukaryotic gene expression 11 What is a ribosomal complex and where is it found 12 When prokaryotes are in changing environments how do they control gene expression 13 What is an operon Describe how the two types of operons work 14 Describe the course of events that take place in a Lac Operon and a Repressible Operon 15 What is the difference between point mutations and frameshift mutations 16 What could happen if you delete or add ONE base 17 How can mutations be beneficial in microbiology 18 How are spontaneous and induced mutations different Name some examples of both 19 Name and describe the three ways in which gene transfer can occur Know the definitions of each What can transduction result in Chapter 10 Questions 1 What is recombinant DNA 2 Describe the general procedure of vehicle transfer of DNA 3 What are 2 vectors used to transfer genes to Eukaryotic cells 4 What could a virus be used for 5 What kinds of microbes can be altered with DNA from other species 6 Name and describe two ways in which a gene is inserted into plants animals 7 What is Lysostaphin What is its significance in cows 8 What is Bacillus Thuringiensis What is its significance in corn 9 What are two important enzymes used in producing recombinant DNA What does each of them do

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