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Jaymie Ticknor Intro Nutrition Science 2460 Sect 002 3 June 2014 Designing a Healthful Diet Chapter 2 What is a Healthful Diet Healthful Diet a diet that provides the proper combination of energy and nutrients and is adequate moderate balanced and varied A Healthful Diet is Adequate Adequate Diet a diet that provides enough of the energy nutrients and fiber needed to maintain a person s health A Healthful Diet is Moderate Moderation eating any foods in moderate amounts not too much and not too little A Healthful Diet is Balanced Balanced Diet a diet that contains the combination of foods that provide the proper proportions of nutrients Variety eating a lot of different foods each day A Healthful Diet is Varied What Tools Can Help Me Design a Healthful Diet Food Labels U S Food and Drug Administration FDA first established regulations in 1973 U S Congress passed the Nutrition Labeling and Education Act in 1990 Specifies which foods require a food label Provides detailed descriptions of the information that must be included on the label Describes the companies and food products that are exempt from publishing complete nutrition information on food labels U S Department of Agriculture regulates meat or poultry which do not have detailed food labels Coffee and food spices are not required to follow FDA labeling guidelines They contain insignificant amounts of all nutrients Five Components Must Be Included on Food Labels 1 Statement of Identity common name of the product or appropriate identification must be promptly displayed on the label a This information tells us what the product is 2 Net Contents of the Package the quantity of the food product in the entire package must be accurately described by weight 3 Ingredient List ingredients must be listed by their common names in descending order 4 Name and Address of the Food Manufacturer Packer or Distributor use information to find out more detail about a food product and to contact the company if there is something wrong with the product or that it might have caused an illness 5 Nutrition Information Nutrition Facts Panel contains nutrition information required by FDA a Primary tool to assist in choosing more healthful foods How to Read and Use the Nutrition Facts Panel on Foods Nutrition Facts Panel the label on a food package that contains the nutrition information required by the FDA 1 Serving size and servings per container describes the serving size in a common household measure and a metric measure as well as how many servings are contained in the package 2 Calories and Calories from fat per serving describes the total number of Calories and the total number of Calories that come from fat in 1 serving of that food 3 List of nutrients states the nutrients the food contains a Nutrients listed toward the top are generally the ones you should strive to limit in a healthful diet i Ex total fat saturated fat trans fat cholesterol and sodium b Nutrients listed toward the bottom are generally the ones you should try to consume more of i Ex fiber vitamin A and C calcium and iron c Potassium is not required on the Nutrition Facts Label 4 Percent Daily Values DV information on a Nutrition Facts Panel that identifies how much a serving of food contributes to your overall intake of the nutrients listed on the label a Based on an energy intake of 2 000 Calories per day 5 Footnote lower part of the panel a Tells you that the DV are based on a 2 000 Calorie diet and that your needs may be higher or lower based on your caloric needs Food Labels Can Contain a Variety of Nutrient Claims FDA regulates two types of claims that food companies put on food labels 1 Nutrient Claims 2 Health Claims a Daily Values on the food labels serve as a basis FDA developed a Health Claims Report Card Grades the level of confidence in a health claim based on current scientific evidence nutrition Functional Food a food or food component that provides a health benefit beyond basic Dietary Guidelines for Americans Dietary Guidelines for Americans a set of principles developed by the U S Department of Agriculture and the U S Department of Health and Human Services to assist Americans in designing a healthful diet and lifestyle Updated every 5 years There are 23 recommendations for the general population But encourage you to focus more on four main ideas Recommends 30 minutes of moderate exercise most or all days of the week Balance Calories to Maintain Weight Nutrient Dense Foods foods that provide the most nutrients for the least amount of Nutrient Density the relative amount of nutrients per amount of energy or number of minimum energy Calories Calories Reduce Your Consumption of Foods and Food Components of Concern Sodium excessive consumption of sodium major mineral found in salt is linked to high blood pressure hypertension Can cause some people to lose calcium from their bones Increase risk for bone loss and bone fractures Dietary Guidelines recommends limiting sodium Fat essential nutrient energy dense Less than 10 of total daily Calories should come from saturated fat Consume less than 300 mg per day of cholesterol Increase Your Consumption of Healthful Foods and Nutrients Increase intake of fruits and vegetables Provide non nutrient substances called phytochemicals compounds found in plants that are believed to have health promoting effects in humans At least half of all grain foods are made from whole grains Choose fat free or low fat milk and milk products Choose protein foods that are lower in solid fat and Calories Choose foods that provide an adequate level of dietary fiber carbohydrate and potassium recommend increase consumption calcium and vitamin D These nutrients help maintain healthy blood pressure and reduce risks for certain diseases Nuts are a good source of healthy oils Follow Healthy Eating Patterns Clean your hands food contact surfaces and vegetables and fruits Separate raw cooked and ready to eat foods while shopping storing and preparing foods Cook foods to a safe temperature Chill refrigerate perishable foods promptly The USDA Food Patterns MyPlate the graphic representation of the 2010 Dietary Guidelines Replaces the USDA s previous MyPyramid graphic Is an interactive personalized guide Intended to help Americans Eat in moderation to balance Calories Eat a variety of foods Consume the right proportion of each recommended food group Personalize eating plan Increase physical activity Set goals for gradually improving food choices and

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