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Legal Issues in Film Vertical Trust film studios only distribute their films to their specific studios in order to make the most money ex Paramount distributes its movies to Paramount Theatres Limits other studios from showing a high demand film made by another company Copywrite you can t include clips recordings music photos etc in your movie until you obtain the rights for them 1947 Paramount Decreos Paramount s theatre was dissolved so in order to keep making money they began airing their movies on TV networks Government Control chunk of others Block Booking if you want to buy 1 specific movie you have to buy a large Blind Booking distribution companies are forced to buy films that they haven t seen haven t heard about WHY DID THIS HAPPEN Roosevelt Administration 1932 targeted film industries to advocate the war effort through documentary etc SOLUTION 1940 Consent Decreos distribution studios could now sell films in blocks of 5 film industries retained their studio specific theatres Social Regulations porn freedom of speech zoning Zoning where how you show a film WHO DEALS WITH THE SOCIAL IMPLICATIONS 1 Government a Have control of zoning WHO can you sell tickets to PG13 R etc b Have control of public airway communication restriction of language Nobody wanted the government to have much control over film 2 Pressure Groups a Black liberals Catholics gay etc b TRY to restrict production of opinionated films that negatively depict social groups National Board of Review 1909 Christian 3 Self Regulation a Specific divisions within a film studio try to identify possible problems before they become an issue Hays Office MPPDA 1922

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BC FILM 2202 - Legal Issues in Film

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