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HIST 2055 Wegman Final Study Guide Spring 2014 Material contained in this study guide is broken up into sections correlating with the quiz that it was on For example material concerning pre Columbus America would be info under quiz 1 while material concerning Pre Civil War would be on quiz 4 All of the material came from my study guides from the previous tests That s why the format is weird under certain sections I added in new stuff here and there Best of luck to everyone JG HIST 2055 Wegman Final Study Guide Spring 2014 QUIZ 1 o When did the first people arrive to the America s 3 Waves 1st was 40 16 thousand years ago 2nd was 12 thousand 3rd was 9 thousand o How did they get across Bering Land Bridge It closed around 6 000 years ago o Where was the highest concentration of natives Central America near present day Mexico city The Aztec Capital o They believed in a spirit filled world Animals were spirits nature was spirits we all lived together in harmony o They often formed villages instead of cities because villages were easier to move o The Portuguese practically invented European Exploration They were the first to explore the west coast of Africa Prince Henry the Navigator was one of the explorers Europeans thought Africans were evil at the time bc they associated all bad things with darkness aka Otherization o Columbus wasn t very talented He essentially got lucky He went to many European Monarchs in an attempt to fund his expedition but they all turned him away Isabella and Ferdinand of Spain agreed to fund his expedition shortly after the La Reconquista expelling of Muslims in Spain circa 1490 s Also happened after Bubonic Plague outbreak o Encomienda system Spanish belief that colonies existed to benefit the crown Casta System The classification of races o Columbus landed in Espanola not Asia India obvs The Spanish monarchy didn t want to enslave the natives but the conquistadors did it anyway through the Casta system o Demonym what you call people from who reside in an area EX Europeans calling Natives Indians in the America s o The Columbian Exchange Old World received things like Tobacco syphilis tomatoes and cotton New World received Malaria onions apples wheat rice horses o Know about indentured servitude and the earlier forms of slavery Calvin s Case Said an indentured servant was the subject of their master not the crown Volitional allegiance if you offer the crown your allegiance they have to provide you protection QUIZ 2 o Navigation Acts Mercantilism as Law o A series of acts passed by Charles the second that limited the colonies trade HIST 2055 Wegman Final Study Guide Spring 2014 Only British ships were allowed to transport imported and exported goods from the colonies The only people who were allowed to trade with the British colonies had to be BRITISH CITIZENS Goods produced in the colonies sugar tobacco cotton wool etc could only be exported to BRITISH Ports o Originally made to exclude the Dutch from profits made by British trade o The theory of mercantilism behind the navigation acts assumed that world trade was fixed and that the colonies existed to make the parent country money o Consumerism o Social Utility of Items Clothing As colonists became more settled and established the growing prosperity and commercialism created both new appetites and new opportunities The increase was partly a result of the increasing division of American societies by class o William Penn o Founder of Pennsylvania Quaker King Charles II gave him the land to establish Pennsylvania to satisfy a debt Charles owed Penn s father o Charles II o The King who took over after Cromwell lost power His father was Charles I who was beheaded o Charleston is named after him o Made a deal with France to support them in their war with the Dutch in 1670 He agreed to eventually convert to Catholicism He promoted religious tolerance despite Parliament s opinion and received money from France as part of the deal o He ended up fighting with Parliament so much that he disbanded them in 1681 and ruled alone for the rest of his monarchy o Didn t convert to Catholicism until he was on his Deathbed o Salem Witch Trials Feb 1692 o Essentially three epileptic girls were thought to be possessed by demons Three lesser women one of who was Tituba an African slave who later admitted to being a witch but was never tried or executed for being a witch supposedly cast the demons upon them HIST 2055 Wegman Final Study Guide Spring 2014 o The girls began accusing multiple other women and shit hit the fan People were getting hung left and right one dude was pressed to death several people died in jail o People realized that this was ridiculous and getting out of hand in May 1693 o Metacom o The native that lead the Wampanoag tribe into revolt against the New England settlers o Also called King Phillip hence the title King Phillip s War 1675 etc o Gullah o Was extremely violent lots of scalping burning of villages o Officially ended in 1696 Metacom was beheaded where his head was put on display at Plymouth for 25 years o Creole society in South Carolina Most of the people were native to Sierra Leone Still intact today They were really skilled at growing rice o James Oglethorpe o Original Proprietor of Georgia o Georgia was supposed to be a colony where Britain sent people who were in Debtors prison it didn t end up really working out like that completely o Georgia was viewed as a buffer colony between the prospering New England colonies and the Spanish empire in Florida o People started to use knowledge education as a social o Essentially people began to take cues after the British o Essentially colonies are there to make the home country o Society of friends very peaceful pacifists Think Pennsylvania o The first French capital in the Louisiana territory founded near present day Mobile in 1698 Dauphin Island Founded by the Le Moyne Brothers o Basic economic principle that was based on the concept of money as gold Mercantilism o Refinement utility nobility o Mercantilism money o Quakers HIST 2055 Wegman Final Study Guide Spring 2014 o Insanely brutal war that ravaged New England Countryside in 1675 1678 that defined future relations between colonists and Native Americans King Phillip s War o Colonies where the crown still owns them but they were governed by one single property owner Proprietary colonies Georgia South Carolina Pennsylvania o Two concepts of social utility that had become popular in dense urban

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