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10 03 2013 Petticoat affairs reading guide ID s people treaties anything from things on the board Map points features places List in order the Presidents John Quincy Adams test BLUE BOOK Major themes REVIEW Monday 6p m Himes Hall 253 Who or what it is and why it s important Answer question with examples and explain those examples TEST 2 Federalist Vision The Goal 10 03 2013 o Federalists wanted the Constitution and wanted a federalist nation o Goal was to preserve the revolution or create a nation that did not exist thus far o Wanted people to have national pride o The act of creating the US will bring about division o Constitution brings about a central government with real power creating a political arena The Symbol o George Washington SUPER IMPORTANT in the government 1st American hero in his time the only American hero embodied revolution and new nation to his contemporaries he had a psychological and physical dominance he was over 6ft tall he had been commanding general throughout the war first of many successful generals named presiding officer of Constitutional Convention without Washington on Federalist side Constitution may in Philadelphia he was named president not have gained 9 votes no opposition for the first presidency seat he was totally committed to the country those who had faith in him and the idea of citizen control wanted to transfer his own personal prestige to the office of president so the president no matter who he was would command respect in 1789 after he became president he went to Boston and John Hancock the governor of Massachusetts who had been led to believe he would be the first vice president but he wasn t and he was pissed off about this Hancock decides Washington can make the first call on Hancock instead of following protical well Washington won t have that Hancock realizes he has to go see Washington or loose face himself He goes to see Washington and says his gout had acted up and he couldn t walk so he hadn t gone to visit till them One day a man walked up to him put his arm on his shoulder and said hello George not Mr President or General Washington which is what everyone called him Washington removed the mans arm and waked away no one ever called him George after that People believed in Washington s integrity Eventually veneration for Washington goes down because some of his political decisions antagonized some people and political opponents did arise In the beginning support for him was almost unanimous His policies became the federalist program and his allies became federalists The Program o Became associated with one of his cabinet men Alexander o Hamilton and Jefferson were very different Hamilton Jefferson Committed to his state Committed to agriculture He was a slave owner He felt the US should become like Virginia Hamilton Born in West Indies Didn t come from a good economic background Wasn t born into prestige Went to New York as a young man Made a name for himself Served with Washington in the war and Washington became fond of him Wrote majority of federalist papers Didn t have local loyalties Wanted to build a strong US and Washington was the way he would do it Political and economic power went hand in hand Needed economic power to gain political power which would then protect economic power When Hamilton became secretary of the treasury the biggest issue was war debt Wanted to make an economic policy to help the US survive against all the world powers Economic policy value Revolutionary debt would be paid at face Assumption o Part is to France and Netherlands o National debt ex bonds No matter who owned it or how they came about it would be paid at face value o Wanted to do this because whenever they bought this debt they showed faith in the government and he wanted to keep this faith o States were in debts too and they were trying to pay off their debts o Wanted federal government to assume all the state debts o Did this because it was the debt from the Revolution and the United States won the revolution NOT one state o The states must become part of the alone nation Fund all this combined debt o Issue new bonds that will carry interest payments o Nation will pay interest on new bonds because they have incurred a new national debt to pay off the old ones Decided there needed to be a national bank o Banks weren t very common o This bank would be chartered by the congress Bank of the United States o Essential because there needed to be a national institution to handle federal funds o A public private institution o Private stock holders and government stock holders o Congress charters it o Government appoints directors o People private investors appoint o Institution would handle government directors transactions Should have a protective tariff to support manufacturing o Protect country during wartime o Manufacturing helps the country flourish more opportunity for labor o Would provide revenue for the nation o Two ways to get revenue for central government Tariff Direct tax taxing the states o Hamilton s policy went to Congress o Paying off debt required nation to succeed economically o Holders of the bonds needed to make money so the government had to pay them back o Country was overwhelmingly agricultural o Businessmen would obviously prosper with this system and have reason to participate o Hamilton didn t make a way to bind farmers to the government o Hamilton thought and wanted America would later be tied to manufacturing not land o Constitution was a document of delegated power Ex said states had this power legislation has these powers o Some people thought if the Constitution didn t spell it out it couldn t be done but the constitution also says you can pass laws for the general wellbeing o Constitution didn t say there needed to be a national bank so those who didn t want the bank had a constitutional reason to oppose this idea o Some even used the constitution to oppose the tariff because the tariff would help manufacturers but hurt others constitution said they could tax but it didn t say anything o James Madison becomes the leading opposition to this about a protective tax economic policy o Madison is from an agricultural state and is a slave owner o Bank would not help farmers who were the majority of the constituents and neither would the new tariff o Because Washington was behind Hamilton s policy every single part passed Congress o Hamilton was the brains but Washington s support ensured that the program got

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