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Ch 12 Outline Social Psychology What is social psychology What are social influence conformity and group think What is compliance and what are some ways to induce it What is obedience o Milgram study What are social loafing and facilitation What are attitudes what are their components and how good at they at predicting behavior How are attitudes formed What is persuasion What is cognitive dissonance What are social cognition and impression formation What does social categorization mean and how does it relate to stereotypes What is an implicit association theory A schema What are attributions What are prejudice and discrimination and some of the theories as to why they exist o In group and out group o Realistic conflict theory o Scapegoating o Social cognitive theory o Social identity theory o Stereotype vulnerability o Self fulfilling prophecy How can we reduce prejudice What is attraction and what is generally necessary for it to occur What is love and what are the components according to Sternberg What is aggression and what can impact it o Biology o Social role What is prosocial behavior and altruism What is the bystander effect and diffusion of responsibility

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LSU PSYC 2000 - Chapter 12

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