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HIST 0430 notes Lecture 11 4 2 14 page 1 1 Growth of Nationalism 2 Growth of State Power a democratic imperialism 1905 1937 i common ideal in West Britain ii by late 30s mostly just imperialism iii political parties 1 Seiyukai first PM Hara Kei 2 genro replaced by jushin senior statesmen in late 20s when genro died out 3 hierarchy of government a emperor jushin b c party politicians d bureaucrats e military i constitutional weakness no checks but emperor 4 most cabinets in 20s party cabinets 5 most party members support democratic imperialism iv militarists basically unilaterally supported by public b c therefore not really opposed by government technically male suffrage but same year harsh sedition law reformers and radicals opposition to the state i Kaneko Fumiko left wing radical 1 set out to prove emperor was human by bombing assassination attempt ii Hashimoto Kingoro right wing radical 1 advocated annexation of Manchuria 2 1931 Kwantung Army iii Asaki Heigo left wing radical 1 encouraged assassinations of corrupt bureaucrats wealthy 2 new restoration of emperor establish rights iv Konoe Fumimaro 1 PM 1937 1939 2 advocates Shin Taisei new national structure without d military parties i military presence in empire grew conscription ii 1937 Cardinal Principals of National Polity 1 teachers can only teach what s approved iii social groups around run by military iv purification of parties from corruption v Manchuria invasion expansion into China 1 without national government s approval in Japan no charismatic leader like Hitler Mussolini HIST 0430 notes Lecture 11 4 2 14 page 2 Allen Japanese eastern only have material Western culture

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