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Composed of heads of state and government Meets 4 times a year Determines the general direction of the union Resolves issues that cannot be resolved by ministers The presidency of the European council A brand new position One individual Create with treaty of Lisbon Chairs meetings Coordinates member state positions First person to ever hold this position Represents the EU to the world The European parliament EP business is conducted in three different sites Plenary Strasbourg France Committees Brussels Belgium Secretariat Luxembourg Organization Its members are elected by the citizens of the EU EU wide parliamentary elections every 5 years Members of the European parliament are organized into political groups Each political group represents one of the main European political families Each political group composed of members of national parties National political parties nominate candidates at elections Roles Law making Other roles Budgets Votes on most EU legislation along with the council of ministers There are policies in which the EP is not involved e g foreign policy security Determines the language of the new legislation Approves most items on the EU budget Checks the commission for budget implementation Accountability Checks the commission censure cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127

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