Social Psychology 2 nd Midterm Study Guide PSYC 221 1 The Culture War how liberals and conservatives view moral domains 2 In a study people were asked how much money they would be paid for socially undesirable things but theses things distinguished between conservatives and liberal opinions a Conservatives need a lot more money to violate norms and moral things b There are subtly distinctions in morality depending on your values 3 How religion evolved a Threat detection signal detection Autokinetic effect with regards to conformity research allows us to perceive agency in events that happen in the world b When we perceive things that happen natural disaster death discovering natural resource the human mind has developed the capacity to interpret that as some of external figure may be adaptive for groups to survive c Moral norms evolved to facilitate cooperation in groups d Morality binds and blinds many people working together because they have a common set of moral norms 4 Terror Management Theory TMT helps explain what people do when confronted with a potentially negative affect a Morality salience anxiety distress b Increased belief in supernatural agents afterlife mind body distinctions the way people cope with the negative idea that we will eventually die 5 Religion helps us cope with distressing things a When we experience tragedy suffering and harm are inevitable and we all experience them i Even to innocent people ii Buddhism 1st noble truth b Divine purpose isn t random c Belief in a just world we want to believe that good things happen to good people 6 What do we do when bad things happen a Community social support b God as a parental figure proximity seeking under stress or threat c Compensatory control and coping what people engage in when they feel loss of control in their life people say its out of my control but its in the hands of god god is compensating for your lack of control and that helps with coping i External attribution d Meaning making the tendency for people to derive meaning from the things that happen in their life even if its negative 7 People who are more religious are psychologically healthier they have more happiness in their lives and have more positive affect 8 Religion as social identity a 70 of Americans say that religious identity trumps all other social identity ethnic group geographic even if you are atheists b Identity continuity certainty i Advertise the self ii Sharing beliefs and social connectivity iii Ease to generate values helps us when we need to decide what is right and wrong and what we need to be doing it influences judgments and decisions c Helps us make quick judgments of others halo effect the ability to make judgments of people based on i Evaluate out groups some variation ii Hindu and Jewish descent born into these are religions of descent the emphasis is on whether you are born into it it is harder to gain entrance in it iii Christian and Muslim assent acquire through belief experience more focused on belief and gaining that status through experience 9 Religious cognition about mind perception understanding peoples thoughts and understanding what peoples strengths and flaws are a Perceiving others thought process b Character strengths and flaws c Christians and Jews both view adultery as morally wrong i But Christians believe lust is just as harmful not only is the behavior wrong but the thoughts are wrong because thoughts lead to actions some variations cross culturally d Thought processes are thought to be unethical because of their connections to behavior i Christians more likely to endorse the idea that thoughts actions recall Reasoned action model 10 Intentionality people were receiving shocks and were asked to tell how much pain they were experiencing when people thought the shock was accidental they reported having less pain and they reported more pain when they thought it was intentional shocking 11 Religion and social issues common norms lead to moralizing normative behavior Ex sex masturbation eating work a Religious vs secular people i If you believe that adultery is wrong you do see less adultery and more happiness in religious people versus secular people ii When people believe there is more structure in their lives they believe there is more to live for and more conscientiousness and more moral discipline iii In societies there is a difference in suicide rates based on the amount of moral norms people have lower rates of suicide in societies with more social norms Tighter societies 12 God as the enforcer a Your behavior cant always be monitored by other people so God is the ultimate enforcer in this life and in after life b Social norm compliance obedience c Obedience is maintained through god and through post moral justice it keeps people moral and ethical and support and contribute to a group d Experimental evidence when people are primed with the idea of god they behave in a more ethical behavior less cheating in lab tasks given some cognitive test and they can score there own test and given money for each right answer i People cheat less when primed with the idea of mean gods not just any gods but mean gods ii When people are primed with companionate loving gods it does not produce this effect mean gods make good people 13 Religious Groups a Conflict and competition down side of religion when people are fighting over what they believe is holy it increases the level of intensity in which people will fight we like those in our religious group but we are prejudice to those not in our religious group i Resources territory ideas ii Prioritize help to those in the same group iii Moral strivings and viciousness holy war iv Group deservingness and victimization b People discriminate more on the basis of religion versus race 14 Religion blinds communities a Atheists re the most distrusted and least liked group especially when people are in situations when they re given a lot of trust b Discrimination job hiring teachers day care 15 Atheism lack of belief in some kind of high god and do not identify with a certain religious group a Atheists and secular people have religious experiences i Feeling of unity with humanity and universe ii Engage in meditation which facilitate a feeling of spirituality iii Transcendence of time and space especially with psychedelic drugs iv Holy ground believe some places are sacred v Emotion feel elevation and awe vi And they still feel karma tempting fate and Sacralized ideals vii
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