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What is sensory memory Iconic memory Eidetic memory Echoic memory What are Ch 6 Outline Memory What is memory What are the processes involved in memory o Encoding o Storage o Retrieval What are some of the models of memory o Information processing model o Levels of processing model o Parallel distributed processing the limits of each Short Term Memory What is short term memory o Selective attention o Digit span test o Chunking o Rehearsal Working Memory Long Term Memory What is working memory How do we test it What is long term memory o Elaborative rehearsal What is procedural memory o Anterior grade amnesia o Tower of Hanoi What is declarative memory o Semantic o Episodic Retrieval How do we retrieve memories o Retrieval cue o Encoding specificity o State dependent learning o Context Effect How do we test memory What is amnesia and what are the different types of amnesia What is Alzheimer s Disease o What is recall o Retrieval failure o Serial position effect What is recognition o False positive o Eyewitness testimony Encoding How do we encode memories o Automatic encoding o Flashbulb memories o Encoding specificity o Hindsight bias o Misinformation effect Why do we forget o Curve of forgetting o Encoding failure o Proactive and retroactive interference What are some of the things that can go wrong with our memories

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LSU PSYC 2000 - Chapter 6

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