Ch 5 Outline Learning What is learning practice o Any relatively permanent change in behavior brought about by experience or o Ex Sitting in class learning a new instrument Classical Conditioning Who was Ivan Pavlov What was his experiment o Russian physiologist His experiment had to do with what makes dogs salivate What is classical conditioning o Learning to make a reflex response to a stimulus other than the original natural stimulus that normally produces the reflex o Involuntary What are the four components of classical conditioning o Unconditioned stimulus a naturally occurring stimulus that leads to an involuntary reflex response Unconditioned means unlearned or naturally occurring o Unconditioned response an involuntary reflex response to a naturally occurring or unconditioned stimulus o Conditioned stimulus Stimulus that with repetition produces a learned reflex response by being paired with the original unconditioned stimulus o Conditioned response learned reflex response to a conditioned stimulus What is acquisition acquiring learning o The repeated pairing of the CS and the UCS the organism is in the process of What are some of the conditions that must be met for classical conditioning to occur o The CS must come before the UCS o The CS and UCS must come very close together in time ideally only several seconds apart o The neutral stimulus must be paired with the UCS several times often many times before conditioning can take place o Taste aversion o Biological preparedness the tendency of animals to learn certain associations such as taste and nausea with only one or few pairings due to the survival value of learning What is stimulus generalization Discrimination Extinction Spontaneous recovery o The CS is usually some stimulus that is distinctive or stands out from other competing stimuli o Stimulus generalization the tendency to respond to a stimulus that is similar to o Stimulus discrimination the tendency not respond to a stimulus that is similar to the original conditioned stimulus the original conditioned stimulus o Extinction the disappearance or weakening of a learned response following the removal or absences of the unconditioned stimulus in classical conditioning o Spontaneous recovery the reappearance of a learned response after extinction has Learning is a relatively permanent change in behavior What is higher order conditioning What is a conditioned emotional response o Emotional response that has become classically conditioned to occur to learned o Ex fear of dogs or the emotional reaction that occurs when seeing an attractive occurred stimuli person o CERs may lead to phobias irrational fear responses What are some of the theories of classical conditioning o Stimulus substitution Original theory Occurs because the conditioned stimulus becomes a substitute for the unconditioned stimulus by being paired closely together o Cognitive perspective Occurs because the conditioned stimulus provides information or a an expectancy about the coming of the unconditioned stimulus Operant Conditioning What is operant conditioning The learning of voluntary behavior through the effects of pleasant and unpleasant consequences to responses Voluntary Learning depends on what happens after the response the consequence o Thorndike s law of effect If a response is followed by a pleasurable consequence it will tend to be repeated If a response is followed by an unpleasant consequence it will generally not be repeated o Skinner was a behaviorist he wanted to study only observable measurable behavior What is reinforcement When the consequence fo an event behavior etc is pleasant Increase the probability that the response will occur again o Primary reinforce is naturally reinforcing by meeting a basic biological need such as hunger thirst or touch o Secondary reinforce becomes reinforcing after being paired with a primary reinforce such as praise token or gold stars o Positive reinforcement the reinforcement of a response by the addition of experiencing of a pleasurable stimulus o Negative reinforcement the reinforcement of a response by the removal escape from and unpleasant stimulus Ex taking an advil What is punishment What are some of the problems with punishment Any event or object that when following a response makes that response less likely to happen again Sever punishment may cause avoidance of the punisher instead of the behavior being punished May create fear and anxiety o Punishment by application the punishment of a response by the addition or experiencing of an unpleasant stimulus o Punishment by removal the punishment of a response by the removal of a pleasurable stimulus What are some of the ways to make punishment more effective Punishment should immediately follow the behavior it is meant to punish o Punishment should be consistent o Punishment of the wrong behavior should be paired whenever possible with reinforcement of the right behavior What is shaping o The reinforcement of simple steps that leads to a desired complex behavior Extinction generalization Behavior modification What is behavior modification The use of operant conditioning techniques to bring about desired changes in behavior rewarded with tokens o Token economy type of behavior modification in which desired behavior is o Time out a form of mild punishment by removal in which a misbehaving animal child or adult is placed in a special area away from the attention of others Cognitive Learning Theory o Tolman Who were the key figures in cognitive learning theory and what did they contribute Rat experiment Trained 3 groups of rats to run the same maze Group 1 Reinforced with food every time it made its way out Group 2 Received no reinforcement for completing the maze for the first 9 days but did on the 10th Group 3 Did not receive any reinforcement at any point during the experiment The rats in group 2 appear to have learned the maze but had not demonstrate this knowledge because there was no reason to do so Latent learning Learning can occur w o reinforcement and then later affect behavior o Kohler Chimp studies Worked at a primate research lab in the Canaries during WWI Set up problems for his Chimpanzees o Reaching a banana outside of the enclosure that was beyond arm reach o Bananas that were too high to be grabbed Insight The sudden perception of relationships among various parts of a problem allowing the solution to the problem to come quickly Ex Monkey putting water in a tube to attain
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