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Welcome to Basic Microbiology BSCI 20021 Course Introduction Welcome Syllabus Attendance Exams Grading Connect Plus Access and Extra Credit On line Handouts Vista Web CT Introduction to Microbiology Why study microbiology Well rounded student well rounded nursing professional Prevalent in the news Out of all the microbiology you are supposed to learn what is most important Nosocomial Infections It is estimated that in 1995 nosocomial infections cost 4 5 billion and contributed to more than 88 000 deaths one death every 6 minutes 1 25 33 estimated to be preventable Microbiology The study of organisms too small to be seen by the naked eye Microorganisms They were the first living organisms on the planet live virtually everywhere life is possible are more numerous than any other kind of organism and probably constitute the largest component of the earths biomass The whole ecosystem depends on their activities and they influence human society in countless ways Prescott et al paraphrased from Steven J Gould Foods Fermented foods Dietary supplements Food additives Xanthan gum Filtration Sewage Septic Systems Enzymes and Toxins Pesticides Natural protein produced by Bacillus thuringiensis Kills many insect pests Genetically Engineered Microorganisms Hormones Insulin growth hormone Vaccines Hepatitis B Pollutant Degradation Oil and toxic chemical spills Growing Microbes for Human Use Nitrogen Fixation N2 NH4 Only carried out by bacteria A source of nitrogen for all other organisms on the planet Ecologic Functions Nutrient Cycles Example Organisms Free living forms Azotobacter Plant symbiont Rhizobium A Legume symbiont Cyanobacteria Anabaena Other Ecologic Functions Other elemental cycles Sulfur phosphorus iron others Decomposition Association with Animals Ruminant animals complex chambered stomach The rumen is the largest chamber filled with bacteria and protozoa Around 106 protozoa and 1010 bacteria per ml of rumen fluid Microbes provide digestion of complex carbohydrates and act as a protein source Disease Causing Microbes Microbial Taxonomy Naming and classifying microorganisms Classi cation of Microorganisms Taxonomy Classifying organizing and naming of organisms How do you tell different types of microorganisms apart Problems Some microorganisms act quite differently but look the same Classi cation of Microorganisms Approaches Morphologic characteristics Physiologic metabolic characteristics Ecological characteristics Genetic analysis nucleic acid analysis Taxonomic Levels Categories Domain Kingdom used in Eukarya Phylum or Division Class Order Family Genus Species Three Domain System Domains largest groupings Bacteria Archaea Eucarya Kingdoms Writing the Name of a species Use both the Genus name AND the species name together Human Homo sapiens The cholera bacteria Vibrio cholera What Groups Include Microorganisms Domain Bacteria The bacteria Domain Archaea The Archaea Domain Eukarya Fungi Protista The protozoa and algae History of Microbiology Famous Microbiologists Anton Leeuwenhoek 1600 s early microscopists Edward Jenner 1796 smallpox vaccination Louis Pasteur 1800 s fermentation rabies vaccine Robert Koch 1800 s germ theory End Go to Methods of Study

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KSU BSCI 20021 - Course Introduction

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