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Chapter 3 Nonverbal Communication nonverbal communication is composed of all those messages that ppl exchange beyond words congruency the relationship between current and past patterns of behavior the harmony between verbal and nonverbal communication Sources of non verbal signs and intercultural behavior How do we acquire nonverbal signs 1 neurological programs 2 cultural o Neurological programs automatic nonverbal reactions to stimuli with which we were born reflexive o Cultural behavior reflective action chain is a behavioral sequence with two or more participating organisms in which there are standard steps for reaching a goal Emotional Influences on Nonverbal Communication Nonverbal patterns can change b c of outside influences Emotions have a direct effect on the size of ppl s personal territory and their resulting nonverbal responses Verbal and Nonverbal Relationships Substituting relationship nodding your head yes means the same thing as saying yes Complementing relationship nonverbal message accompanies a verbal message and adds dimension to communication shaking your head from left to right while saying no Conflicting relationship verbal and nonverbal message are in contrast to one another verbal message yes while nonverbal message indicates no o Expectancy violations theory the exchange of info that is high in relational content and that can be used to violate the expectations of another which will be perceived either positively or negatively depending on how much the 2 ppl like each other Accenting relationship nonverbal message stresses the verbal message Categories of Nonverbal Communication Kinesics is the study of communication through the body and its movements o Face study of how the face communicates facsics o Eyes study of the eyes ocalics primary way to receive and send body language pupilometrics pupils dilate when the eyes are focused on a pleasurable object and contract when focused on an unpleasurable object o Movement study of movements of the body gestics gesturing helps ppl retrieve words from memory help us think and form words Speech independent gestures are not tied to speech and are referred to as emblems are nonverbal acts that have a direct verbal translation or dictionary definition consisting of 1 or 2 words sign language cultural specific Speech related gestures are directly tied to speech illustrators affect displays regulators adaptors Illustrators kinesic acts accompanying speech that are used to aid in the description of what is being said or trace the direction of speech Affect displays are facial gestures that show emotions and feelings pouting Regulators are nonverbal acts that maintain and control the back and forth nature of speaking and listening between 2 or more ppl nods of the head Adaptors are movements that accompany boredom show internal feelings or regulate a situation when waiting for someone stand with arms crossed o Touch study of the use of touch for communication haptics touch avoidance the degree to which an individual dislikes being touched o Posture walk and stance study body synchrony o Artifacts example clothing o Physical characteristics Halo effect attractive ppl are given credit for other qualities such as high intelligence Devil effect a negative evaluation b c of the way they look Proxemics the study of how ppl use and perceive their social and personal space o Culture space contact cultures tacticle modes of communication and noncontact cultures space bubbles varies depending on emotional state and activity o Intimate distance covers a space varying from direct physical contact with another person to a distance of 18 inches o Personal distance 18 in to 4 feet comfortable bubble o Social distance covers a 4 12 foot zone that is used during business transactions and casual social exchanges standing seated interaction person in control stands and the other person sits o Public distance professors in a lecture hall o Small group ecology closer together influence groups operations Vocal cues as communication rate speed volumn power pitch pause Time as communication the way ppl handle and structure their time is know stress as chronemics o Circular time no pressing need to achieve or create newness o Linear time centered primarily on the future Smell as communication olfactics o Smell blindness occurs when a person is unable to detect smells o Smell adaptation occurs when we gradually lose the distinctiveness of a particular smell through repeated contact with it o Smell memory the ability to recall previous situations when encountering a particular smell o Smell overload takes place when an exceptionally large number of odors or one extremely strong odor overpowers you o Smell discrimination the ability to identify ppl places or things on Aesthetics as Communication the study of communication of a message or the basis of their smells mood through color or music Taste as Communcation gustorics bitter salty sweet sour o Taste blindness can t taste o Taste adaptation person becomes used to taste from having it so much

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