Chapter 16 Public Speaking Presenting the Message Speaking with Confidence A positive speaker exudes positive energy that feeds and excites the audience A confident speaker uses vocal variety proper pronunciation effective gestures and inclusive eye contact Always be prepared embrace your uniqueness and imperfections don t apologize understand the role of vocal and physical elements in presenting a public speech Delivery of a speech has two components oral and physical Aspects of Oral and Physical Speech Presentation Confidence ease authority conviction credibility sincerity warmth animation enthusiasm vitality intensity concern empathy Eye contact conversational tone variety of pitch pacing projection and phrasing Vocal oral delivery o Vocal variety speaking at a number of different speeds to match the mood of the ideas you are presenting Average speech rate 120 140 words per minute Monotone a flat verbal sound resulting from a constant pitch volume and rate BORING Speak in a manner in which you are easily understood hold the audience s attention and allow for clarity of ideas o Pronunciation Standard American English language generally recognized as representative of USA Don t have sloppy incorrect articulation be aware of correct pronunciation vowel distortion those who speak American English as a 2nd language Physical delivery gestures eye contact way you use visual aids o Gestures incorporate the use of hands body movements and facial expressions should be natural cant be taught o Eye contact looking into the eyes of your audience involves them While using a manuscript to maintain eye contact try using eye span train your eyes to glance down pick out a meaningful phrase and deliver it to the audience o Can use underscoring and insertion of virgules on notecards to help you remember where to place emphasis Public Speaking Anxiety Stage Fright Public speaking anxiety AKA glassophobia Public speaking anxiety has two components physiological and emotional o Physiological centers on a person perceiving that he or she is threatened body goes into fight or flight mode o Emotional perceived fear of making a fool of yourself and being humiliated before others which sabotages the ego and destroys your self confidence Speaking in public is not inherently stressful you don t have to be brilliant witty or perfect to succeed nothing that bad can happen when you speak in public you don t have to control the behavior of your audience your audience wants you to succeed To deal with anxiety o Do not avoid the experience of giving a presentation accept that you will experience some nervousness do not take drugs alcohol bc you think it will relax you use relaxation techniques recognize the anxiety prepare practice visualization think about something else just before your speech Presenting Visuals in a Speech Use visuals as an aid not as a replacement for your oral presentation display the visual only at the point when you are speaking about it don t block the audience s view speak to your listeners and not the visual know the visual well point to the particular place on the aid that you are discussing When using YouTube computer downloads give a transition from your speech that cues the audience regarding what they are about to see and why it is relevant to your message have an appropriate volume avoid trying to talk over the video s sound Using presentation graphics practice thoroughly learn how to use the mouse or whatever equipment be patient maintain control of the presentation be prepared for the worst don t talk to the screen Rehearsing the Speech Many different ways Dealing with Difficulties During a Speech Try to be relaxed as you speak use triangle stance if necessary look at the ppl in the audience who are alert during the presentation take time to get yourself organized at the lectern accept that mistakes are going to happen The Role of Culture on Speech Presentation African Americans come from traditions where storytelling preaching gospels spirituals dancing and speaking are all part of the pubic speaking environment and therefore audience expect to be entertained comforted and inspired Chinese people are polite and nod their heads only to indicate that they are receiving the message seem to avoid free expression of personal views Japanese Chinese seldom ask questions Arab poetic words of speakers are often accented with fiery harangues of sound Hispanic Latino males favor an elegant expressive or intense narrative form of public communication Native American tend not to use direct eye contact b c to them it is a form of disrespect some Asians and Asian Americans do this as well Public speaking apprehension is highest among Asian Americans and lowest among Jewish Americans US college students show less apprehension than Japanese college students could be result of cultural norms Japan does not value talkativeness where as Americans are encouraged to speak out for their rights
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