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Group Lesson Plan Spice Girls Outline COMM107 23 October 2013 Cell Phones in Technology Introduction I Introduction Student A will introduce the topic a Student A will ask the class a series of questions including if they own a smart phone if they text during class and if they have ever gotten into a fight over text According to CNN when cell phones hit the market in 1983 few people owned the innovative device Today over 90 of Americans own a cell phone or some form of a tablet Gahran 2011 b Student A will also show a video clip to demonstrate just how much the use of cell phones have become engrained to our daily lives 2 minutes 11 seconds http www youtube com watch v OINa46HeWg8 II Group Discussion Student B will lead the class discussion a Student B will lead class discussion by asking various questions to different people such as 1 Can you relate to any of the events shown in the video clip 2 Have you ever seen someone doing an activity that was in the video clip 3 How would you feel if you were someone in one of those situations or have you been someone in one of those situations III Identify the problem Student C will identify the issue of cell phones in communication a With the abundance of technology which is readily available to all Americans social skills are diminishing as people are beginning to favor screen interaction over personal conversation b Causes 1 People become anti social by preferring texting 2 Bad grammar personal story of class notes and emailing professors 3 People are not engaged playing on phone during conversation III Why it exists the lecture portion Student D will lead the lecture portion a According to CNN American teens send an average of 100 texts per day Goldberg 2010 b According to CNN teenage girls who spend the most time multitasking between various digital devices are the least likely to develop normal social tendencies and teens who spent the most time with face to face interaction had the best social skills Millian 2012 Group Lesson Plan c According to Drew Cingel of Penn State University teens who text more than average often experience switching between text language and normal rules of grammar Penn State University 2012 d Student D will explain that when cell phones first came out they were limited in their capabilities Many did not have camera and most were a basic form that could only make standard phone calls Today cell phones have a resolution that rival many digital cameras and are able to perform almost any task that a computer can With constant stimulation it is easy to become distracted and lose track of time while using a device IV Group Activity Student E will introduce the group activity to the class and explain the directions Students will be paired up and one student is assigned a story to read out loud to his her partner but while the story is being read the partner will be texting a given story Afterward Student E will get the class back together and ask if the partners who were texting when they were supposed to be listening to the story are able to recall any specific details about the story a Class activity 1 Student texting types this on his her phone while listening to the story What time do you want to get dinner tonight We could either go to the Diner and then have time to watch the game after or we could go out to eat and watch the game on Netflix after I don t have a preference either way so it is up to you If we go out I definitely want Chipotle or Noodles and Company It s always more fun to watch the game live but taking a break from the Diner food makes it all worth it What do you think 2 Person speaking tells this story A few months ago I was walking to math class when I saw this really cool bird flying over me I had never seen one like it before so I took a picture I uploaded the picture to Instagram A few days later someone commented on the picture saying that it was an endangered species of bird and that breed had not been photographed in several years It turns out that the guy who saw my picture was an editor for National Geographic and he wanted my permission to publish it In the next issue my photograph was featured and I was nominated for an award for amateur photographers After all of this happened I decided to change my major to photography b Student E will ask the class a series of questions about the activity including how the speaker felt the listener felt and if anyone knew what the story was actually about Student E will also relate this back to last week s lecture on who has more power speaker vs listener V Solution to problem Student A Group Lesson Plan a Student A will discuss the positives of cell phones in communication In an article by CBC according to Bob Lefsetz cell phones help us connect with other people and current models allow for information to be readily available to consumers CBC 2013 However despite the convenience that cell phones impose they create a daily distraction in our lives that has caused a problem with personal relationships Student B will discuss that cell phones are not a bad thing but that there is a time and place for them and as long as society knows when to put the phone down cell phones will not have a negative effect on communication VI If there is time leftover the speakers will hold a discussion with the class and ask the class for personal stories about how cell phones have affected their lives and communication skills Works Cited CBC News 2013 October 14 Are Smartphones Making Us Anti social Retrieved from http www cbc ca news technology are smartphones making us anti social 1 2053920 Gahran Amy 2011 February 3 Report 90 of Americans Own a Computerized Gadget Retrieved from http www cnn com 2011 TECH mobile 02 03 texting photos gahran Goldberg Stephanie 2010 April 3 Many Teens Send 100 Plus Texts per Day Retrieved from http www cnn com 2010 TECH 04 20 teens text messaging Kelly Heather 2013 May 29 People Use Smartphones Nearly an Hour a Day Study Says Retrieved from http www cnn com 2013 05 29 tech mobile smartphone time study Milian Mark 2012 January 25 Study Multitasking hinders youth social skills Retrieved from http www cnn com 2012 01 25 tech social media multitasking kids Swayne Matthew Messer Andrea 2012 August 20 No LOL matter Tween texting may lead to poor grammar skills Retrieved from http news psu edu story 147778 2012 07 25 no lol matter tween texting may lead poor grammar skills

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UMD COMM 107 - Cell Phones in Technology Introduction

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