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MHR 3200 Exam 1 Introduction Organization consciously coordinated social unit composed of two or more people functions on a continuous basis to achieve a common goal characterized by formal roles that define the behavior of its members Contributing Disciplines to Organizational Behavior Psychology seeks to measure explain and change behavior Anthropology studies societies to learn about human beings and their Social psychology focuses on the influence of people on one another Sociology studies people in groups in relation to their fellow human beings Political science studies the behavior of individuals and groups within a activities political environment Three Basic Levels within an Organization individual group team organization Context of Strategy Organizational Behavior focuses on organizational culture individual differences motivation job satisfaction engagement team dynamics leadership organization change Human Resource Management focuses on recruitment selection and placement training and development performance management human resource planning compensation Top Derailers That Cause One to Fail Insensitivity to others Poor working relations Authoritarianism Inability to change and adapt Inability to build or lead a team K F Chapter 1 Strategy and Strategic Organizational Behavior Organizational Behavior an interdisciplinary field dedicated to better understanding and managing people at work The Evolution of OB can be explained by 1 The Human Relations Movement and the Contingency Approach Increasing number of studies writings from behavior scientists focusing on the human factor Hawthorne studies done to manipulate a variety of workplace factors and measure the effects of worker performance results showed that employee performance can be improved by attending to individual needs supportive supervision and group dynamics Writings of Mayo and Follett The Human Problems of an Industrial Civilization and telling managers to motivate job performance instead of demanding it a pull rather than push strategy McGregor s Theory Y a modern and positive set of assumptions about people at work as opposed to Theory X assumptions that were pessimistic and negative about people at work The Contingency Approach calls for using management concepts and techniques in a situationally appropriate manner instead of trying to rely on one best way encourages managers to view organizational behavior within a situational context 2 The Age of Human and Social Capital Human capital the productive potential of an individual s knowledge and actions Social capital the productive potential resulting from strong relationships goodwill trust and cooperative effort What makes human capital a source of competitive advantage Value rareness not easily imitated not easily substituted or replaced and organizationable to successfully utilize the resource 3 The Emerging Area of Positive Organizational Behavior The positive psychology movement recommended focusing on human strengths and potential as a way to possibly prevent mental and behavioral problems and improve the general quality of life focuses on well being contentment and satisfaction in the past hope and optimism for the future and flow and happiness in the present Positive Organizational Behavior the study and application of positively oriented human resource strength and psychological capacities that can be measured developed and effectively managed for performance improvement in today s workplace 4 E Business and Implications for OB and Managing People E business using information communication technologies to facilitate every aspect of running a business Large proportions or even all trades on most exchanges around the globe are made computer to computer this change requires people to play different roles and to possess different personalities and skill sets Strategic Management Critical to an organization s success Addresses the competitive challenges faced by the organization A plan for integrating goals tactics policies and actions into a meaningful whole Has two primary elements strategy formulation strategy implementation Strategy Formulation Model External Analysis opportunities threats Vision Mission Goals Strategic Plan Internal Analysis strengths weaknesses Strategy Implementation Model Galbraith s Star Model Strategy Structure People Metrics Rewards Systems Processes All elements need to be aligned for organization to succeed Corporate Social Responsibility corporations have obligations to others beyond shareholders and beyond the bounds of law or contract there are four levels in order of increasing responsibility 1 Make a profit consistent with expectations for international businesses to fulfill economic responsibility 2 Obey the law of host countries as well as international law to fulfill legal 3 Act ethically by considering both host country and global standards to fulfill responsibility ethical responsibility 4 Be a good corporate citizen as defined by the host country s expectations to fulfill philanthropic responsibility How to improve the organization s ethical climate 1 Behave ethically yourself managers are role models 2 Screen potential employees 3 Develop a meaningful code of ethics 4 Provide ethics training 5 Reinforce ethical behavior 6 Create positions units and other structural mechanisms to deal with ethics Whistle blowing occurs when an employee reports a perceived unethical and or illegal activity to a third party such as government agencies news media or public interest groups organizations can reduce the need for whistle blowing by encouraging free and open expression of dissenting viewpoints and giving employees a voice through fair grievance procedures and or anonymous ethics hot lines Five sources of OB research insights Meta analysis a statistical pooling technique that permits behavioral scientists to draw general conclusions about certain variables from many different studies Field studies probes individual or group processes in an organizational setting Laboratory studies variables are manipulated and measured in contrived situations Sample surveys samples of people from specified populations respond to questionnaires Case studies in depth analysis of a single individual group or organization Strategic Issues Involving Human Resource Management Mergers and acquisitions Offshoring Downsizing rightsizing Business Process Outsourcing K F Chapter 6 Motivation Needs Job Design and Satisfaction Motivation

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OSU BUSMHR 3200 - Exam 1

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