COMM107M FINAL EXAM 05 10 2012 Chapter 1 Introductory Info Models of Communication Linear model of communication a source encodes a message and sends it to a receiver through one or more sensory channels Receiver receives and decodes the message Interactional model of communication source encodes and sends a message to a receiver through one or more sensory channels Receiver receives decodes and then encodes feedback and sends it back to the source Transactional model of communication communicators simultaneously process messages Chapter 4 Listening Discriminative attempt to distinguish auditory and visual stimuli o Understand the differences in verbal sounds dialects pronunciation and nonverbal behavior gestures facial o Ex determine if someone is being sarcastic negative reactions cautious etc Comprehensive recognize and retain information in a message o Comprehend a message that is consistent with the speaker s intent o Must first discriminate Public Speaking Unit chapters 11 16 Chapter 11 Public Speaking Planning the message Public Communication involves a transaction between a speaker Listenable speech formatted in a way that when it is received it and an audience is understood by listeners o Based on words that are meant to be heard rather than those that are meant to be read o Simple vocabulary o Oral based language style fit intellectual level of audience lay out clear structure phrases to tell what s coming next flows consistently and cohesively o Well prepare o Speaker confidence engaging nonverbal behavior logical structure concise style encourage listeners involvement A successful speech has prior analysis process analysis and postspeech analysis speech is given o Prior to the speech analysis audience analysis before Audience analysis assessing demographic psychographic and rhetorographic characteristics of your prospective listeners Demographics listeners characteristics based on descriptions and backgrounds Age gender religion ethnicity education occupations and race Psychographics attitudes and beliedfs Attitude predispositions of listeners toward speaker occasion and the subject Conservative liberal may have emotional investment Political affiliation Rhetorographics the place time time limit time of day and emotional climate for the speech Applying prior analysis central idea Topic selection language selection statement of Statement of central idea defines the subject and develops the criteria by which to evaluate the material to be include in the speech o what you want the audience to know be able to do or to believe o 3 parts goal topic method Goal of the speech expressed in terms of expected outcome to inform or to persuade Topic of the speech the subject Method of speech development how you plan to approach the presentation o Process of the speech analysis observing audience for watch for nonverbal cues of attentiveness boredom feedback cough meter following a speech o Postspeech analysis paying attention to reactions how your speech affected the audience Q A session Polls questionnaires follow up interviews Extemporaneous speaking mode developing a set of talking points in notes or an outline to assist them in presenting their ideas o Do research and plan the speech Manuscript speech mode material written out and delivered word for word Memorized speech mode speech is written out word for word and then committed to memory Chapter 12 Public Speaking Developing the Message Primary sources of information sources that represent the original reports of the observations or research Secondary sources of information sources that report but did not originally generate the observations or research Supporting speech material clarify a point you are making in the speech or offer evidence of the validity of the argument presented point o Stories enhance delivery of the message o Specific instances condensed examples to clarify prove a o Exposition give necessary background o Statistics o Analogies compare unfamiliar concept with a familiar one o Testimony direct quote or paraphrase from an authority Internal Summary short restatement of what has just been said in the last section you are about to leave before proceeding to the next segment Chapter 13 Public Speaking Structuring the Message Introduction to a speech gain listeners attention and orient them to the material that will be presented o Attention Material Present personal references humorous stories illustrations rhetorical questions action questions unusual or dramatic devices quotations related to the theme and a statement of the theme o Orienting Material gives background info necessary to understand the basic speech material Historical background define terms personal history importance to listeners Central Idea keep the speaker on course for developing a purposeful and well organized speech o Indicates what is wanted from the listeners The body developed through major points and subpoints to develop the speakers central idea o Methods of Issue Arrangement the way the body of a speech is organized takes 6 forms o Spatial arrangement a method of arrangement for the body of a speech in which the speaker sets a point of reference and follows a geographic pattern The pattern can be left to right north to south or the center to the outside o Time arrangement orders information from a beginning point to an ending one with all the steps developed in numerical or time sequence o Topical arrangement ideas are organized on the basis of their similarities or other relationships the speaker explains an idea in terms of its component parts o Causal arrangement shows how two or more events are connected in such a way that if one occurs the other will necessarily follow o Comparison contrast arrangement the speaker shows similarities and differences of the entities being discussed o Problem solution arrangement used when a speaker attempts to identify what is wrong and to determine how to Conclusion can be used to summarize and or motivate listeners to take a prescribed action o Summary restate major points and recap what s been fix it covered o Clincher gives the speaker one more chance to reinforce the major ideas presented and then wraps up the presentation with a final message to clinch the selling of the central idea Personal reference humorous story illustration rhetorical question unusual or dramatic devices quotes repetition o Formatting Methods Unfolding an inductive style in which the speaker lays out supporting
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