February 25 2013 I II Arguing to Display Identity Frames for Arguing a Utility to get something b Identity to display some facet of self c Dominance to assert power over another d Play to mess around e Blurting do you adapt to others f Cooperation or Competition g Civility is arguing pleasant or nasty h Professional contrast agree with scholars III Measuring Identity Frames a Original frame items I use arguments to display my intellectual ability Other people often use arguments to display their intellectual ability Arguments are useful in showing what I believe Arguments are useful in showing how smart I am You can learn a lot about another person by watching what sorts of things he she will say during an argument b New measurement i Supplemental how often do you do it 1 How often do you do this How typical is this for you In how much of your interpersonal arguing does identity work play an important role Is identity work a common reason for you to give reasons 2 c Our study i The identity frame what kind of person does or doesn t do this What does it look like when it happens How is this frame related to other relevant perspectives about arguing and communication d What kind of people do it i Argumentative ii Verbal aggressiveness iii Masculine Feminine iv v Entitlement narcissism vi Other argument frames Your Task a Work out a model IV V Big Three psychoticism neoroticism extraversion i Identity arguing must be a key element Choice a Utility an all purpose metric b Can ask people to rate value of 100 a puppy and a quick meal on the same scale maybe 1 to 10 c When ask people to make their own probability estimates call these subjective probabilities d Get SEU models subjective unexpected utility
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