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1 2 3 4 5 Attitudes and Attitude Change Social Influence Altruism and Prosocial Behavior Aggression Emotions and Affect Attitudes and Attitude Change 1 attitude schema about a topic beliefs organization function for info processing value expression communicates who we are social bonding and attraction directional causality social network common attitudes common attitudes social networks Functions of Attitudes evaluation of things utilitarian functions to guide our decisions Learning Theory classical and operant conditioning things paired with something good forms a better attitude we associate them social observational learning seeing others getting punished or rewarded social comparison theory when people don t know what attitude to have they conform to the atti tudes of the people around placebo affect pill injection of something that would stimulate their mood good or bad confeder ate in room was happy or sad and people mimicked the confederate Biology attitudes are somewhat genetic people genetically related are more likely to have similar attitudes Surveys and Testing Attitudes standardized and efficient but people may edit their attitudes for social desirability or their attitude is in the implicit mind and the conscious mind cannot access it memory can t really recall things that well so researchers ask people to keep diaries Implicit Association Test bogus pipeline fake device lie detector to make people answer honestly bonified pipeline IAT pair positive and negative words with other stimuli ex garden snake democrat or republican gets to the root of peoples prejudices Attitude Behavior Link gap between what people say they think and what they actually do married women said they wanted to have kids but didn t wind up having them premarital sex more specific you are about describing attitude the higher correlation you can find for the attitude third variable situation event causes the attitude and behavior at bar you will respond differently to someone who cut you in line more so than you would how strong the attitude is makes emotions more extreme and more certain about choices stronger attitudes and more consistent and MORE linked with behavior more info and mere exposure increase attitude strength same message repeated gives person the sense that they are hearing more causes attitude strength to increase stability vs change time and fluctuation based on experience asking people two days before an election who they will vote for are much more accurate at pre dicting voters choice than asking before two months the stronger you believe in god the more likely you are to go to church but this is not the case Attitude Change learning theory rewarded or punished related to attitude behaviorism not interested in inner processes only care about behavior as a function of environ ment servative after college people become more liberal in college from environment then you go back to being more con balance equilibrium theory we like to have attitudes in balance consistency between attitudes and be havior out of balance creates conflict dating someone who you don t like roommate conflict Cognitive dissonance conflict created by inconsistency boring task have to tell next participants to do it when paid 20 they said that it sucked when paid 1 person said it was really not that bad 4 necessary factors it was your free choice 1 the outcome or consequence is tied to the decision 2 minimal external justification being paid 20 was good enough of a reason to lie 3 4 can t go back and change decision also being in public is a moderating factor to resolve dissonance people create external justifications 2 Social Influence Persuasion The Source similarity and familiarity likability charisma cooperative behavior demonstrating agreeableness no conflict of interest or against own interests tion authority figure or an expert The Audience peal from something that is popular people who are more likely to conform self conscious more persuaded by things that have ap people high in need for cognition strong arguments need a lot of facts people are motivated or persuaded to do things which have personal relevance to them being distracted or being tired can make them more or less persuaded dilution effect ego deple on automatic processing but less attentive to the message young adults are more open older people are more resistant those of moderate intelligence and most easily persuaded Resisting Attitude Change source derogation attacking the messenger saying they are not credible inoculation like building immune system up practice resisting by rehearsing counterarguments used to train kids to practice saying no to drugs situational factors when you are warned that people are going to persuade you you are more skeptical Compliance Strategies convincing someone people are better to comply when they are in a good mood or when they are flattered scarcity things that are hard to get are more valuable triggers reactance commitment to a course of action justification of effort desire to be consistent watch my stuff foot in the door hazing increases commitment to the group you must really want to join which is why you put up with the bullshit Norm of Reciprocity consistency interpersonally we want to be even with others Strategy How it Works Hare Krishna donations give gifts for nothing in return people are still more mo tivated to give donations Free samples get something for free more likely to make purchase Door in the face tell request that you expect to get denied then bring it down so it seems like you are doing a favor and other person does want to be cooperative That s not all people seem like they are giving something for free Reasoned Action Model attitude thinking behavior have to think about attitude to behave new year resolutions need to plan it for it to be able to accomplish goals successfully individual attitude and what other people think and what the social norm is determine your behav ior if your friends think smoking pot it okay then you are more likely to do it information gossip and reputation bad is more powerful than good stigmatization conditioning learning Premack Principle what weight someone places on something candy bar means more to a 5 Ways of Influence compliance requests and persuasion obedience authoritative force conformity mimic the group Obedience types of influential status power year old than a 25 year old ostracism excluding people from the group Types of Influential

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UMD PSYC 221 - Lecture notes

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