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ANT2511 INTRODUCTION TO PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY CHAPTER 14 EARLY MODERN HUMANS E M H AND END OF NEANDERTHALS Definition of a Modern Human Anatomically modern in key features of the skull growth and development is like modern humans Behavior must include o Symbolic thought i e burials personal adornment complex o Tool technology i e aurignacion blades projectiles micro culture etc tools First modern humans from East Africa 200 160 kya Sites o Omo partial skull found Higher forehead Robust torus chin o Herto complete cranium found 160 kya Robust torus angular occipital not quite bun Vertical forehead flat face EMH still very robust EMH used Middle Stone Age Mousterian tools New practice by EMH to cover individuals in ochre when burying them Early art ritual Source of Cro Magnon Man Cro Magnon France 30 32 kya ANT2511 INTRODUCTION TO PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY Anatomically modern humans with traumatic injuries o Burial sites with many individuals mass grave Dolne Vestonice triple burial site Possible kiln 20 kya more elaborate and numerous burials begin MODERN HUMANS IN EUROPE THE END OF THE NEANDERTHAL Middle Pleistocene 700 125 kya Upper Pleistocene 125 10 kya Middle Paleolithic 300 40 kya Upper Paleolithic 40 10 kya o Aurignacian 40 28 kya Appearance of new artifacts Blades bone tools figurative art cave paintings musical Followed by Gravettian 28 22 kya more examples of instruments emerging culture Blades sharper edges twice as long as they are wide o Chatelperronian 35 29 kya associated with Neanderthals The last Neanderthals were spread across Europe pockets in the Iberian Peninsula St Cesaire France 36 kya o Middle and Upper Paleolithic tools found at this site o Overlap of modern humans in Europe ANT2511 INTRODUCTION TO PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY Lagar Velho Portugal 28 24 kya o Child burial covered in ochre o Receding chin etc o Short distal limb segments possibly a Neanderthal EMH hybrid Crania modern human Postcrania Neanderthal EMH influence on Neanderthals appearance of Chatelperronian industry in Southern France Northern Spain pendants and blades added to Mousterian style tools indicates interaction with EMH 35 29 kya EMH larger brain capacity led to more complex tool industry EMH interacted with Neanderthals who pick up ideas to make tools more sophisticated over a very short period of time o Chatelperronian tools no change over a million years then Aurignacian tools appear o Similar tools but different techniques WHY DID NEANDERTHALS GO EXTINCT Climate change Dietary breadth limitation of diet Cannibalism Energy cost of Neanderthals 32 higher than EMH EMH had more intelligence better tools material culture Fierce competition ORIGINS OF MODERN HUMANS Two theories Multi Regional Evolution Wolpoff o All living humans derive from H erectus that left Africa 1 8 mya o Implies populational continuity between non modern and modern Homo gene flow o Ripple effect ANT2511 INTRODUCTION TO PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY Recent Out of Africa Stringer Replacement theory o Earliest modern H sapiens are in Africa o No gene flow o Cladogenic event 200 100 kya in Africa Eve replaced existing species throughout the world o Cannon ball effect 1 species drives out all the others Both theories base a lot of assumption of gene flow Most theorists prefer a hybrid combo of ROA and MRE Large movement of modern H sapiens out of Africa 100 kya interbreeding occurs with Asian and European populations European Neanderthals swallowed up by modern human gene pool Combo theory indicates moderate gene flow GENETICS Older populations have the most time to develop differences Africa has most genetic variability then ME then Asia Europe African Eve 200 kya African populations have the most number of mutations because it s the oldest population Mutation rate estimated as constant mtDNA mitochondrial DNA extracted from Neanderthal shows separation of 400 kya 200 kya before Eve Falls outside variation of modern humans Nuclear DNA Neanderthals show closer affinity to modern Eurasian populations than African populations B t 1 4 of Eurasian genome comes from Neanderthals into modern gene pool SUMMARY EMH have recent origin in Africa Oldest modern DNA oldest anatomically modern humans the oldest modern tools came from Africa Relationships between modern humans and Neanderthals less certain

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