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9 12 12 Social Psychology Behavioral conformation Also called self fulfilling prophesy In the classroom o Teachers expectations student s performance Social cognition Reflections We need automatic processing o Experts golfers o Basic decisions Social comparison Compare to other people but with the goal to make ourselves look good Attractiveness strength intelligence etc o Most couples say they have above average relationship o Most professors 94 say they are above average Role of ambiguity in defining traits o Leadership confidence in directing others OR o Leadership communication skills Positive psychology perspective o Positive illusions are beneficial mental health happiness more well liked Accuracy is high for others but we inflate estimates for our own behavior Cooperation vs selfish in games o Estimate 64 of others will cooperate o 84 claim they will cooperate beforehand o Only 61 actually cooperate Donation study 5 to spend o Estimate others will donate 1 83 they claim they will give 2 44 o But average donation was 1 53 Follow up give people actual numbers base rate info asked to revise estimates o People revise others but not their own Reducing Bias Reducing Bias o Self critiquing specific arguments but they don t generalize Critical thinking finding faults in your own perspective with each project assignment Metacognition o Thinking about thinking higher level conscious domain processing How we assign causes for behavior events consequences Motivation for understanding building schemas Meditation mindfulness o Observation without judgment Perspective taking attribution o What are attributions 2 dimensions Locus Stability 3rd dimension Controllability o When do we make attributions Unexpected salient events Number of potential causes Painful events Social desirability abnormality Personalism directed at you specifically Successes failures internal Dispositional trait ability personality Fleeting trait effort o Attributions for Success Failure Increasing number decreasing likelihood of attribution external Permanent situation difficult task Temporary situation Luck came from elsewhere not from within most likely won t happen again Three types of information to make an attribution Do other people behave this way o Consensus o Consistency o Distinctiveness Dose this person behave this way at other times Does this person behave this way in other situations Stable Unstable don t expect to repeat Kelly s Cube Attributions Biases o Fundamental attribution Error FAE Correspondence bias Internal attributions for others behavior Behavior in foreground is very salient more than other environmental factors Belief in a just world blaming the victim Karma o Actor observer bias Actor external attribution Observer internal attribution Historical perspective information Immediate physical perspective Observers at table Walk a mile in their shoes FAE Culture European view analytic Asian view holistic Asians pay more attention to background objects in a larger field Americans pay more attention to the focal objects o Goes beyond attributions for humans ex fish and for inanimate objects

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UMD PSYC 221 - Social Psychology

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Chapter 1

Chapter 1

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Chapter 6

Chapter 6

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Exam 2

Exam 2

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Exam 1

Exam 1

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Exam 1

Exam 1

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Exam 2

Exam 2

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Test 1

Test 1

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