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Comm107 Final Exam Review Exam Format 25 multiple choice 15 T F 10 fill in the blank 4 short answer Cumulative Exam also review midterm study guide focus on ch 3 4 Ch 11 Public Speaking Three parameters of audience analysis 1 Participants speaker members of the audience 2 Setting where when speech is given time limit attitude of audience 3 Purpose speaker s expected outcomes Three stages 1 Prior to the speech analysis Audience analysis demographics audience s background characteristics based on age gender religion etc psychographics audience s attitudes and beliefs rhetorographics place time limit time of day emotional climate Statement of central idea defines subject develops evaluation criteria goal of speech subject method of speech development how to expected outcome topic of speech approach presentation 2 Process of speech analysis 3 Postspeech analysis Ethics Adjust materials as you present interpret cues adapt to feedback Determine how your speech affected audience question answer sessions polls surveys Plagiarism speaker uses idea words of another without giving credit to author Fabrication making up guessing at information and making it appear true Speechphobia public speaking anxiety Ch 12 Developing the Speech Supporting material clarify point you are making in the speech offer evidence of the validity of your argument Stories most interesting specific instances condensed examples exposition necessary numerical info analogies compare an unfamiliar concept to a background info statistics familiar one testimony direct quote paraphrase Presenting supporting material Internal summaries summarize each segment with a short restatement of what has just been Forecasting alert the audience to ideas that are coming Signposting speaker reviews where the listeners have been where they are now and where said they are going Supplementary aids visual audio audiovisual computerized graphics Ch 13 Structuring the Message Elements of a speech ESSAY 1 Introduction attention getter emphasize relevance importance of topic orienting material 2 Central idea purpose of speech specific statement of its main idea thesis preview overview of body contents speech transitions Main I II III internal summary 3 Body major points expressed in speech may be organized into as many divisions as necessary to develop intent of 4 Conclusion summarize clincher memorable statement that emphasizes main idea motivate audience Attention material personal references humorous stories illustrations rhetorical questions action questions unusual dramatic devices quotes stating the theme Orienting material historical backgrounds definitions personal history importance to listeners Methods for formatting speeches Partitioning method state restate and divide arrange body based on topics develop each point with supporting details Unfolding method gradually reveal don t restate divide lay out supporting evidence then induct a conclusion used for persuasive speeches Case Study method discuss central idea without breaking it into subpoints used for single issue speeches Ch 14 Presenting the Message PowerPoint slides easy to read visible by all simple to understand clean font light background dark text Ch 15 Informative Public Speaking Question Answer sessions Before answering restate question Speak to entire audience Keep answers short Ch 16 Persuasive Public Speaking Purpose Back up responses with examples statistics Admit if you don t know the answer Be willing to be corrected Conviction convince audience to believe as the speaker does Actuation make audience take speaker s desired action Process of persuasion Theory of field related standards proposes that not all people reach conclusions in the same way and thus may react differently to the same evidence or psychological material Group norm standards the thinking of a particular group may be used as a guide for developing arguments Individual norm standards being on the side of or getting the backing of a certain powerful person in the group may influence the group members to side with you Critical thinking establish criteria and match solutions Comparative advantage reasoning state possible solutions demonstrate how your desirable practical how it has fewer disadvantages than the proposal is the most workable others Monroe s Motivated Sequence ESSAY 1 Attention cut through competing stimuli to get the listener to focus on your message 2 Need identify the problem and show how it relates to the listener 3 Satisfaction propose a plan of action that will meet the need that has been identified 4 Visualization describe the beneficial results of the plan if implemented 5 Action challenge the listener to do as requested instances analogy is ever pure something else ANSWER focusing on issue 1 Speaker credibility ethos competence charisma character 2 Logical argument logos inductive based on facts evidence probabilities personal v deductive premise assumption categorical syllogism 3 Psychological appeals pathos enlist audience s emotions as motivation for accepting your Three components of persuasive message observations general conclusions assumptions then specific conclusion arguments Reasoning fallacies Hasty generalizations reach unwarranted general conclusion from insufficient number of Faulty analogical reasoning assume that shared elements will continue indefinitely no Faulty causal reasoning speaker claims without qualification that something directly caused Ignoring the issue speaker uses irrelevant arguments to obscure the real issue SHORT Ad hominem argument attacks on the personal character of a source Ad populum argument appeal to people s prejudices and passions rather than Ad ignorantium argument attempts to prove that statement is true because it can t be disproved Maslow s Hierarchy of Human Needs speaker must determine level of need for particular group of listeners and then select appeals aimed at that level psychological appeal not logical least general most general 1 Self actualization needs self fulfillment achieving one s greatest potential ultimate level people can reach 2 Esteem needs self esteem desire for achievement mastery reputation prestige 3 Acceptance needs love and belonging 4 Safety needs security stability protection strength 5 Physiological well being needs hunger sleep sex thirst

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UMD COMM 107 - Final Exam Review

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